Two New Jersey Men Arrested on Multiple Deer Poaching Violations

William E. Alfree
William E. Alfree
Delaware Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Control (DNREC)

Townsend, DE -( Following an investigation involving illegal deer hunting, DNREC Division of Fish & Wildlife Natural Resources Police officers arrested two New Jersey men Nov. 21 on multiple deer poaching violations near Townsend.

William E. Alfree, 23, of Clayton, NJ., was charged with hunting without a license, failure to display hunter orange, possession of unlawfully taken antlered deer, two counts of possession of unlawfully taken antlerless deer, transporting unlawfully taken antlered deer, two counts of transporting unlawfully taken antlerless deer, harvesting antlered deer without purchasing an antlered deer tag, failure to tag an antlered deer, two counts of failure to tag an antlerless deer, unlawful removal of antlered deer parts prior to registering, two counts of unlawful removal of antlerless deer parts prior to registering, failure to check an antlered deer within 24 hours and two counts of failure to check an antlerless deer within 24 hours. If found guilty on all charges, he faces up to $63,000 in fines, not including court costs, and possible imprisonment.

William D. Alfree
William D. Alfree

William D. Alfree, 45, also of Clayton, N.J., was charged with hunting without a license, failure to display hunter orange, possession of unlawfully taken antlerless deer, transporting unlawfully taken antlerless deer, failure to tag an antlerless deer, unlawful removal of antlerless deer parts prior to registering and failure to check in antlerless deer within 24 hours. If found guilty on all charges, he faces up to $1,750 in fines, not including court costs.

Both were video-arraigned through Justice of the Peace Court 11 in New Castle and released, pending a Dec. 11 appearance in Justice of the Peace Court 9 in Middletown.

About DNREC Division of Fish & Wildlife:

The DNREC Division of Fish & Wildlife recognizes and thanks the majority of anglers, hunters and boaters who comply with and support Delaware’s fishing, hunting and boating laws and regulations. Citizens are encouraged to report fish and wildlife and boating violations to the Delaware Fish & Wildlife Natural Resources Police by calling 302-739-4580. Wildlife violations may also be reported anonymously to Operation Game Theft by calling 800-292-3030 or online at

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