Two COHA-Sponsored Poaching Bills Await Floor Votes

Two COHA-Sponsored Poaching Bills Await Floor Votes

Black-tailed Deer
Two COHA-Sponsored Poaching Bills Await Floor Votes
California Outdoor Heritage Alliance
California Outdoor Heritage Alliance

SACRAMENTO, CA –-( AB 1162 (Chesbro) would significantly increase penalties for serious Fish and Game violations, including violations where poachers intentionally target trophy big game animals using illegal methods such as artificial lights or bait.

AB 1162 also provides for greater penalties for commercial bear violations. Revenues from the violations would be deposited in game species accounts and used for game conservation and public hunting purposes. AB 1162 is on the Assembly Floor.

SB 752 (Berryhill) would allow hunters and fishermen an opportunity to voluntarily release their contact information to non-profit conservation groups of their choice when purchasing any license through the Department of Fish and Game’s Automated License Data System (ALDS).

In doing so, the bill would help non-profit conservation groups educate sportsmen and women about their important work while facilitating additional conservation efforts at the grassroots level. SB 752 is on the Senate Floor.

For more information about these bills and other COHA efforts, please visit our website.

The California Outdoor Heritage Alliance (COHA) is a partnership of conservation organizations, outdoor industry, other related interests and individuals who support science-based wildlife management and the preservation of our hunting rights in California. COHA is a 501(c)4 Political Advocacy organization dedicated solely to influencing legislative, regulatory and administrative policy decisions which promote wildlife conservation and our outdoor heritage. For more information about COHA, visit