True the Vote Offers Smartphone App to Report Voter Fraud

Texas-based election integrity organization True the Vote has released a smartphone app that allows users to report voter fraud and irregularities.
Texas-based election integrity organization True the Vote has released a smartphone app that allows users to report voter fraud and irregularities.

Oath Keepers

U.S.A.-( Texas-based election integrity organization True the Vote has released a smartphone app that allows users to report voter fraud and irregularities.

VoteStand, available for both iPhone and Android users, is advertised to be the “first online election fraud reporting app” available to voters across the country “to quickly report suspected election illegalities as they happen,” according to True the Vote.

The free app operates much like a social network where users can send updates about polling place issues, voter intimidation attempts and others to identify problem areas.

VoteStand incidents can take the form of text or photo reports, geotagged to the user’s location.

“VoteStand can be used to capture your voting experience,” True the Vote Founder Catherine Engelbrecht said. “A picture is worth a thousand words.”

Read at Breitbart

True the Vote told Breitbart Texas that it hopes to spread the word about election problems now and leverage the crowdsourced information to help promote various policy reforms in the months ahead when state legislatures are again open for business.

“VoteStand helps build evidence for a broken process,” Engelbrecht said. “The app helps you get the word out in real time.”

Who is Catherine Engelbrecht?

She had a full life as a wife, mother, and business owner. Then, she started King Street Patriots, a citizen-led liberty group, and True the Vote, a nonprofit election integrity organization. As a result, her life changed dramatically due to the actions of multiple federal government agencies. Specifically, Catherine Engelbrecht, her business, and the groups she founded were targeted by the IRS. The following video is her testimony before Congress.

True the Vote Founder to Congress: “I Will Not Retreat. I Will Not Surrender. I Refuse To Be Intimidated”


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Oath Keepers is a non-partisan association of current and formerly serving military, reserves, National Guard, veterans, Peace Officers, and Fire Fighters who will fulfill the Oath we swore, with the support of like minded citizens who take an Oath to stand with us, to support and defend the Constitution against all enemies, foreign and domestic, so help us God. Our Oath is to the Constitution.

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