California – -(AmmoLand.com)- The tragedy this weekend at the renowned Gilroy Garlic Festival confirms what supporters of the 2nd Amendment community have always known – that gun control has no bearing on the evil intent of evil people.
The slaughter of 3 innocents – two of whom are children breaks our hearts for the loss of life. It also makes our blood boil because politicians and the anti-gun crowd are already using the tragedy to gain some sort of political traction. It’s appalling.
Ever since this awful event occurred, GOC’s Executive Director Sam Paredes has been interviewed by many in both radio and print media, including the Wall Street Journal, the Sacramento Bee, and the San Jose Mercury News.
“The intent of this killer was clear – and his act shows the abject failure of gun control in California and people are paying with their lives as proof,” said Paredes.
“It was a target-rich environment that policymakers call a “gun-free zone” – and the perpetrator cut through a fence to avoid metal detectors – it’s lunacy to think a piece of legislation was going to stop this monster.”
About Gun Owners of California:
Gun Owners of California is the toughest fighting pro-gun organization in California. We spend 100% of our time fighting for the Second Amendment at the Capitol and electing pro-gun members to the legislature. We do not compromise when it comes to promoting your gun rights! www.gunownersca.com