Tour Archaeological Sites at Fort Atkinson SHP in Nebraska

Fort Atkinson State Historical Park in Nebraska
Fort Atkinson State Historical Park in Nebraska
Nebraska Games and Parks Commission
Nebraska Games and Parks Commission

Lincoln, NE -( September is Nebraska archaeology Month and staff of the Nebraska State Historical Society will lead tours of the archaeological sites at Fort Atkinson State Historical Park on Sept. 6-7.

Nolan Johnson will lead a tour each day of the many structures and facilities on the park grounds. On Sept. 6, Rob Bozell will give a presentation on the archaeology of Stephen Long’s Engineer’s Cantonment, a facility contemporary with Fort Atkinson.

Other activities planned for this living history weekend are demonstrations by the volunteer interpreters of period trades, crafts and military from 10 a.m.-5 p.m. each day.

A park entry permit is required. The fee for the Harold W. Andersen Visitor Center is $2 per adult and $1 per child age 3 through 12.

For more information, contact the park at 402-468-5611 or, or visit the Nebraska Metro Parks Facebook page.

About The Nebraska Game and Parks Commission

The mission of the Nebraska Game and Parks Commission is stewardship of the state’s fish, wildlife, park, and outdoor recreation resources in the best long-term interests of the people and those resources. To accomplish that purpose, the Commission plans and implements its policies and programs efficiently and objectively; maintains a rich and diverse environment in Nebraska’s lands and waters; provides outdoor recreation opportunities; manages wildlife resources for the maximum benefit of the people; and attempts to help Nebraskans appreciate their role in the natural world.