Tom Gresham’s Gun Talk Welcomes KNNR 1400 AM Radio Station

Gun Talk Radio Tom Gresham
Gun Talk Radio Tom Gresham

Tom Gresham's Gun Talk Radio logoMANDEVILLE, La. -( Tom Gresham’s Gun Talk is proud to announce KNNR AM in Reno, Nev., as its newest affiliate!

Residents of Reno and the surrounding areas can now tune in to the live radio show on 1400 AM Sunday’s from 11 a.m.-2 p.m. pacific time for the latest news on guns and gun politics, simulcasting with KNNR’s sister station KELY 1230 AM.

Listeners will also hear from a variety of guests ranging from senators, gun makers, authors, gun rights advocates, and more!

For more information on KNNR and KELY, visit their website, and learn more about Tom Gresham’s Gun Talk website.


About Tom Gresham’s GUNTALK Radio:

In its 23rd year of national syndication, Tom Gresham’s GUNTALK radio show airs live on Sundays from 2PM-5PM Eastern, and runs on more than 200 stations every week. Listen live on a radio station near you ( or via live streaming from one of the stations here: All GUNTALK shows can also be downloaded as podcasts at, Apple iTunes, and i-Heart radio, or through one of the available Apps: GunDealio for iPhone, GunDealio for Android, Gun Talk App on Stitcher, the Gun Talk iPhone App, and the Gun Talk App for Android on Amazon. GUNTALK can also be heard on YouTube, at

More information is available on their website.

(“GUNTALK” is a registered trademark.)