This Week on the ‘Bear Arms Show’ :Gun Confiscations, Accidents & Vote For Scott Bach

Scott Bach
Vote Scott Bach for NRA Board Member 2015
Bear Arms Show
Bear Arms Show

New Jersey – -( Words of Wisdom:

“No matter how one approaches the figures, one is forced to the rather startling conclusion that the use of firearms in crime was very much less when there were no controls of any sort and when anyone, convicted criminal or lunatic, could buy any type of firearm without restriction.”

“Half a century of strict controls on pistols has ended, perversely, with a far greater use of this weapon in crime than ever before.” – Colin Greenwood, in the study “Firearms Control”, 1972


Vet Firearms Confiscated for insomnia – The Blaze reporting on a veteran who is suing New York due to his firearms being seized.

Armed Robbery Story. : “Clerk: ‘I wasn’t scared,’ as gun battle erupts with robbers, 7-Eleven staff”

The details reported raise concerns.

Here are some things Mike says to keep in mind:

  • Don’t chase the subject or move to a confrontation from a “safe” location.
    Call the police
  • Do not chase the individuals unless you fear they are moving in the direction of you or your loved ones

Concealed Carry Tragedy

This is a tragic accident, there is no doubt about that. Mike says he does not favor purse carry because you could leave your purse somewhere, someone could steal it or your child could take it somewhere. That being the case, Mike advocates for carrying your concealed firearm on your person because it offers more control over the firearm. All these things should be considered when choosing how you will be concealing your firearms. Please, please, be sure that safety is your first priority. These incidents are rare, but heartbreaking when they happen.

Please vote for Scott Bach

Its that time again! Time to vote for NRA Board members. This year Scott Bach is running for re-election. Please take the time to support him in this campaign. Having Scott on the board is good for all of us regardless of where we live. However, for those of us in New Jersey, it is vital. Please remember to vote when you ballot comes with your NRA magazine, or individually if you receive your magazine electronically. See Scott’s website at

As always, thanks for listening!

About the Show
The Bear Arms Show is your weekly source for 2nd Amendment news and commentary delivered in a fun, entertaining way. The show is hosted by two brothers, John and Michael Willett. They are both veterans of the U.S Military and lifelong firearms enthusiasts. The Bear Arms Show focuses on efforts to protect, and restore, the right to keep and bear arms. Additionally, the show features interviews with 2nd Amendment news-makers and advocates throughout the United States. Visit: