They Didn’t Expect an Attack, but Fortunately They Were Armed

Injunction Sought in Federal Lawsuit Over Riverside, California Sheriff Stan Sniff’s “Discriminatory and Unconstitutional” Handgun License Policies
More than 30 percent of American gun owners say they have used a gun in self-defense.

U.S.A. -( You probably didn’t see these stories covered by the mainstream news media, but again last week, responsible gun owners defended themselves and the people they love. Self-defense instructor Heather Reeves joins the Self Defense Gun Stories Podcast to look at four new examples. Were these gun owners lucky, or did they have a plan? (20-minute audio)

First story- Are you armed in public?

You saw the advertisement online. The seller has some shoes you want at a price you’re willing to pay. You go to the meeting point after work. You meet the seller. He asks to see the money before he shows you the shoes. You reach into your pocket to show him the cash. As you take your hand out of your pocket the seller shoots you.

You own a gun. You have your Illinois Firearms Owners Identification Card in your wallet right next to your concealed carry permit. You’re armed tonight. You present your gun. You shoot your attacker as you back away. You get into your car and try to drive away, but can’t drive. You call 911 for help. You give the police a description of your attacker.

You’re taken to the hospital for treatment of a gunshot wound to your shoulder. Police arrest your attacker at the hospital when he seeks treatment for a gunshot wound to his hand. You are not charged with a crime, but you never did get the shoes.

Second Story- Are you armed in your car as you drive?

It is either a late lunch or an early dinner. You’re sitting in your car eating some fast food before you go shopping for groceries at Walmart. Your girlfriend is sitting next to you and her teenage daughter is sitting in the back seat. It is about 4pm when a stranger pulls open your driver’s side door and points a gun at you. He tells you to give him your money and get out of the car. You are armed. You take off your seat belt. You move to get out of the car. As you turn you present your concealed firearm and shoot your attacker striking him in the chest and the neck. Your attacker turns away and you stop shooting. You yell for everyone to get back in your car. You drive across the street and call the police.

Police take your statement. They interview you, your girlfriend, and her daughter separately at the police station. You are released and not charged.

Your attacker survived because an Emergency Medical Team was shopping at Walmart and heard your shots.

Third story- Do you have a firearm nearby as you sleep?

You and your family are at home before dawn on Sunday morning. You hear someone banging on your door and yelling to get inside. You move your wife and children into your bedroom and grab your gun. You lock your bedroom door and call the police. The stranger breaks down your door. A few minutes later he tries to enter your bedroom. You yell to go away, you’re armed, and you’ve called the police. Your wife is on the phone with 911. The stranger breaks down your door. You shoot him. Now he turns and goes outside. You stay inside and wait for the police.

You put your gun away when the police arrive. Police and EMS were already on the way because your neighbors heard the man yelling. EMS transports your attacker to the hospital where he died. His blood alcohol level was three-and-a-half times the legal limit to drive.

It took over six months for the police and the district attorney to rule this was a justified case of self-defense. Finally, you are not charged with a crime.

Fourth story- Are you armed at work?

The evening rush has slowed a little. You’ll close your restaurant in a few minutes. You are moving between the back room and the counter when a man comes into your restaurant. He talks to the clerk at the cash register and the clerk puts her hands up. You hear the stranger tell her to put her hands down and give him the money. You see the robber’s gun pointed at your employee.

You own a firearm. You are carrying concealed tonight. The news story doesn’t say how, but you shoot your attacker. The clerk steps back and you tell her to call 911 while you keep your gun pointed at the attacker on the floor.

Police arrive a few minutes later. You put your gun away. Emergency Medical Services declare your attacker dead at the scene. You give a statement to the police.

A discussion of each story is at the Self Defense Gun Stories podcast webpage.