The World in The Grip Of An Ominous, Deadly Plague: The Chinese Coronovirus

The World in The Grip Of An Ominous, Deadly Plague: The Chinese Coronovirus
The World in The Grip Of An Ominous, Deadly Plague: The Chinese Coronovirus, iStock-1205218261

U.S.A.-( Is this the day? Is this the beginning of the end? There is no time to wonder. No time to ask why is it happening, why is it finally happening. There is time only for fear, for the piercing pain of panic. Do we pray? Or do we merely run now and pray later? Will there be a later? Or is this the day? Opening narration from an episode from the original Outer Limits, sci fi series, first televised on September 20, 1963.

The number of Hollywood films utilizing the trope of alien invasion—and we are referring here to outer space alien entity invasion, not inner space illegal alien invasion—is legion.

A common theme of these sci fi films centers around our little world, Planet Earth, on the brink of nuclear annihilation. The major powers arm up and prepare to battle each other. But, at the Eleventh Hour the nations of Earth face a common threat: a malevolent, and immensely powerful adversary from deep space. The nations realize the necessity to set aside their differences and band together to defeat a ruthless, relentless, and sinister foe; one that poses a threat to the entire human race.

The world is now faced with an enemy as aggressive and as merciless as any threat posed from outer space. This is not Hollywood cinema; this is real. The ongoing pandemic is the most serious threat facing the world today and, in fact, the worst threat facing the world for decades. The COVID-19 Pneumonia Virus, commonly referred to as the Coronovirus, by virtue of club-shaped spikes on its surface is also referred to as the Wuhan or Chinese Virus, and those appellations are apt, since China—and specifically the Chinese Province of Wuhan—is the place where the virus originated.

The threat this Chinese Coronovirus poses to the life, health, and well-being of the populations of Earth bears a commonality with an alien invasion from outer space. Like a ferocious, seemingly unmanageable, implacable, foe from outer space, the Chinese Coronovirus doesn’t discriminate against particular nations or people. It coldly, unemotionally attacks all alike, both high and low in the social pecking order as the BBC, reports, exclaiming that, “His Royal Highness,” Prince Charles has contracted the disease.

The virus has traveled quickly around the world. It propagates rapidly, mercilessly, and relentlessly, injuring or destroying everything in its path. And it does so with cold, callous, methodical, precision, at a geometric rate, until “IT” becomes satiated, if it becomes satiated and allows ITSELF, to burn itself out. As of this writing, we have yet to see that happening. Indeed, the appetite of this virus appears insatiable, expanding rapidly throughout the Nation.

And, what are we doing about it? There is just so much the Trump Administration can accomplish alone but he did act quickly when he imposed travel restrictions from China in early February 2020. That is indisputable fact, and, in hindsight, Trump’s quick action on behalf of the American people, proved entirely appropriate, even as, at the time, seditious media outlets, such as CNN, citing their own cadre of “experts,” condemned Trump’s actions as precipitous and ill-advised. The CNN had this to say, on February 7, 2020:

“‘All of the evidence we have indicates that travel restrictions and quarantines directed at individual countries are unlikely to keep the virus out of our borders,’ Jennifer Nuzzo, a senior scholar at the Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security, told lawmakers on Capitol Hill this week. ‘These measures may exacerbate the epidemic’s social and economic tolls. And can make us less safe.’

‘The director-general of the World Health Organization also weighed in this week, calling on countries not to impose travel restrictions.’”

Fake cable news shows, like CNN and MSNBC, and seditious newspapers, like The New York Times routinely cite experts, such as Dr. Nuzzo, who support the newspaper’s narratives.

Each New York Times’ narrative is grounded on one or more baseless assumptions. The paramount assumption of those Times’ articles that have, as the central theme, the U.S. President, Donald Trump, is that Trump is an unworthy and illegitimate President.

In its endless, vicious, vindictive attacks on the President, The New York Times has in recent months cited to Dr. Nuzzo, whom the paper mentions as “a senior scholar at the Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security.” Apparently, Dr. Nuzzo doesn’t support the President’s policy initiatives pertaining to the horrible Chinese Coronovirus. That makes Dr. Nuzzo a useful expert, since her medical opinions cohere with the newspaper’s narratives–the theme of which is to attack the President at every turn. For example, on March 29, 2020, the Times quoted Dr. Nuzzo saying, “the Trump Administration had ‘incredibly limited views’ of the pathogen’s impact.'”

Actually, as the Chinese Coronovirus spreads rapidly across the United States, it turns out Trump was absolutely correct in taking the actions he did. Dr. Nuzzo, the Johns Hopkins expert, might wish to walk back her February 7 comments and the certainty she expresses in her March 10 Op-Ed.

For his part, Dr. Fauci would air on the side of caution. The Daily Caller asked Dr. Fauci his opinion about the dangers of public contact and whether major business and school closures during the spread of the Chinese Coronovirus is the appropriate response:

“When asked directly if that meant closing bars and restaurants, Fauci said, ‘Obviously, you’re going to have people go to restaurants anyway, but for the most part, and particularly if I can say this, this is particularly appropriate and relevant for people at the high risk: the elderly and those who have underlying conditions, right now should really hunker down.’

When asked about closing schools, the doctor insisted that ‘you always want to be ahead of the curve. The golden rule I say is that when you think you’re doing too much, you’re probably doing enough or not enough.'”

The Washington Post reports that:

“Public health experts, school administrators and parents are divided about the risks and benefits of school closures, sparking debate in communities where the virus is rampant and in places with only fleeting exposure.

Even the nation’s top disease experts seem unable to provide clear guidance. Anthony Fauci, the director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, said Tuesday that a decision about closing schools depends on how far the disease has spread in a community. If the virus has spread little, there’s no point in closing, he said. But wait too long, and closings will not help.

‘Everything is on the table for consideration,’ he said. Closing all schools in the country would not be appropriate, he said, but it might make sense for a community “when you start to see, ‘we’re getting a little bit of danger here.’ ” The goal, he said, is to ‘do real mitigation sometime before you think you really need it.’ ‘

The reactions by districts to similar facts have varied widely.”

And the reactions of the experts and of the newspapers on how best to deal with the Chinese Coronovirus also demonstrates a variance in opinion. But that doesn’t stop the seditious mainstream media from glowering openly, unabashedly, and unceasingly that, whatever the President does to battle this plague, it is wrong. That negative reporting on President Trump’s efforts doesn’t do anything to benefit the American citizenry. It is abundantly and disturbingly clear that, even in a time of horrific crisis, the seditious Press still continues its relentless assault on the President and that amounts to a relentless assault on our Nation and on our people. Where, then, does the allegiance of the mainstream media fall? Certainly not with the Nation, our Constitution, and our people.

And, this brings us back to the Director-General of the World Health Organization (“W.H.O.”). For his part, the Director-General—the obsequious toady of China’s Xi Jinping, the principal responsible party for this world plague—clearly has an agenda, at once duplicitous and hypocritical, directed to harming the well-being of the world, not protecting the world from global pandemics, predicated on its stated, ostensible mandate.

In the next several segments, we continue our expose of the forces both at home and abroad that are using the Chinese Coronovirus plague to undermine the efforts of our President as he and his Chinese Coronovirus Task Force work day and night to contain and battle this scourge to our Nation’s sovereignty, our Nation’s Constitution, our Nation’s economy, and our Nation’s citizenry.

Arbalest Quarrel

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