The Well Armed Woman Oklahoma State Shoot at US Shooting Academy

The Well Armed Woman, Northeast OK Chapter, Sweet Shot
The Well Armed Woman, Northeast OK Chapter, Sweet Shot
The Well Armed Woman
The Well Armed Woman

Tulsa, OK. –-(  The Well Armed Woman, LLC (TWAW) is now two-years old and Oklahoma is proud to be the home of four chapters! In celebration, plans for the 1st TWAW Oklahoma State Shoot are underway!

Sweet Shootin’ Saturday will be for ladies only and be held at U.S. Shooting Academy in Tulsa on Saturday, May 9th 2015.

Women are the fastest growing group of new firearm owners across the nation and the search for knowledge, training, and instruction is paramount. The Well Armed Woman Oklahoma State Shoot for ladies only will provide that and so much more. Kara Gage, the OK State Leader for TWAW, along with the other Chapter Leaders guarantees to deliver a day beyond compare to both new and experienced shooters. Joining forces with US Shooting Academy, Glock, The Defensive Shooting Academy of Tulsa, Sierra 3 Group and US Law Shield enables this clinic to offer, not only instruction for beginners in both pistol and rifle disciplines, but the event will also will be offering information and instruction for those interested in 3 Gun and IDPA (International Defensive Pistol Association) competition styles. Combined they promise to deliver an extraordinary day at the range.

Since it’s inception in January of 2013 TWAW has experienced phenomenal growth across the United States. During the past two years TWAW has grown to over 200 chapters in 48 states & Puerto Rico, with over 6,000 members making it the largest shooting organization for women in U.S. As of January 2015, TWAW is now a 501C3 non-profit organization.

The Well Armed Woman Chapter Leaders of Oklahoma are all looking forward to bringing the Oklahoma State Shoot to Tulsa for all ladies age twelve and up. Doing so will create more opportunities for women to learn all about firearms and to gain confidence in newly-acquired shooting skills as well as, learn a sport they’ll enjoy for a lifetime.

The Oklahoma State Shoot is only open to the 1st 100 registrants. The cost to attend is $50.00, tax-deductible and includes: range fee, ammunition, training, gun rental, targets, and more!

Those interested in learning more can contact Kara @ (918) 718-4478. Please also feel free to email her at or visit the Facebook page @: “The Well Armed Woman, Northeast Oklahoma, Sweet Shot Chapter” OR “The Well Armed Woman, Broken Arrow/Tulsa, BAT Girl Chapter”.