The Rubline Grunter Call From Hunters Specialties

The Rubline Grunter Call From Hunters Specialties
The Rubline Grunter Call From Hunters Specialties

Hunter's Specialties

Cedar Rapids, Iowa -( Hunters Specialties new Rubline Grunter Call can help hunters put their tag on a buck this fall.

The Rubline Grunter Call is easy to master and can make soft to loud, young or mature, buck vocalizations.

Made in the U.S.A., the call features a custom maple wood barrel with a European style whitetail deer logo. The Rubline Grunter Call has a quiet, flexible tube with a flared end for secure grip and control.

You can easily alter the direction and tone of the call by flexing the tube and cupping your hand around the end.

The Rubline Grunter Call sells for a suggested retail price of $19.99.

For more information about other Hunters Specialties products, log onto the Hunters Specialties website at, or call a Consumer Service Specialist at 319-395-0321.


Hunters Specialties is a Cedar Rapids, Iowa based leading manufacturer and supplier of hunting accessories. Hunters Specialties manufactures and supplies quality hunting products, under the brand names, Hunters Specialties, H.S. Strut, Scent-A-Way, Buck Bomb, Carlton’s Calls, Johnny Stewart Predator calls, Vita-Rack, I-Kam Xtreme and others. The company’s customers include leading mass merchant and sporting goods retailers and distributors. For further information about Hunters Specialties, please visit their web site at