LINCOLN, Neb. -( Powderhook announces its accumulation of over 500 Digital Mentors in the Powderhook App ready and willing to answers questions ranging from new participants in the outdoors to lifelong sportsmen traveling to new areas.
Pass It On – Outdoor Mentors has been leading the charge in pairing up youth and mentors around the nation and have played a key role in getting Digital Mentoring off the ground.
“The biggest problem that Pass It On faces,” says Mike Christensen, CEO of Pass It On – Outdoor Mentors, “is that there are far more kids seeking mentorship that there are folks volunteering their time to mentor. We needed to find an innovative way to supplement our mentoring program that would allow more folks to participate without making major time commitments. That is where the Digital Mentoring idea came into play.”
The Powderhook app offers users the ability to become Digital Mentors, which takes about four minutes, and by doing so, they agree to receive alerts when people in their area need help.
While the app is completely anonymous, to protect the identities of children and to prevent people from being intimidated when asking questions, posts and replies made by Digital Mentors carry a badge denoting the person helping is a member of the program.
Powderhook CEO, Eric Dinger, has learned some surprising insights into the potential of the new form of mentoring. “I’ve talked to different mentoring programs across the country, I myself have been apart of mentoring programs and every single one had something in common. They all had more mentees than mentors. With Digital Mentoring we have actually found the reverse effect. We have Digital Mentors asking us to send them more questions so they can help people. The factors that make Digital Mentoring work is that it is a small commitment of a couple minutes a week, it can be done anywhere anytime, and it can be the difference of someone going out for a day or doing a different activity.”
There is a huge movement in the outdoor industry to figure out how to recruit and retain more participants to continue on the love for hunting and fishing. Powderhook’s hope for the Digital Mentoring program is that it will be a scaleable way for folks to mentor anyone who is interested in learning more about the outdoors ultimately leading them to become a lifelong consumer of the outdoors.
Digital Mentoring Explained:
About Powderhook:
Powderhook’s mission is Access for All. That means access for new hunters, anglers and shooters; for parents and their children; for neighbors who haven’t been out in the field for years; and for you. Powder-hook works with the nation’s leading conservation organizations, retailers and manufacturers. The Powderhook platform is bringing our industry together to solve some of its most important problems.
About Pass It On – Outdoor Mentors:
Pass It On – Outdoor Mentors is a Wichita, Kansas-based national organization dedicated to providing children with mentors who will share with them the experiences of traditional outdoor activities. The heart of the group’s mission is to give children opportunities to connect with nature that they more than likely won’t have without a mentor showing them the way. By partnering with organizations with like-minded conservation and youth participation efforts volunteers with a passion for the outdoors can give a child the chance to go fish, hunt, or simply spend time in the fields with a caring adult.