The Mule Deer Foundation Launches #PROJECTMULEDEER

Mule Deer Foundation (MDF)
Mule Deer Foundation

SALT LAKE CITY, Utah -( Today the Mule Deer Foundation released the first video in its #PROJECTMULEDEER series filmed and produced by Jason Matzinger, host of the Sportsman’s Channel’s Into High Country.

Throughout the course of 2017, MDF will roll out monthly 3 to 5 minute vignettes highlighting what mule deer are doing during that time of the year.

The videos and additional footage will be compiled into a full-length feature film that will air on the Sportsman’s Channel in 2018.

#PROJECTMULEDEER features world-class cinematography obtained by Matzinger in hundreds of hours spent in mule deer country across the West.

“I’m excited to be partnering with the Mule Deer Foundation on #PROJECTMULEDEER to share the annual life cycle of this icon of the West,” commented Matzinger. “This series, and the final feature film, will be a tribute to mule deer as well as a call to conservation action for everyone who cares about the species and the vast western landscapes they call home.”

Mule Deer Foundation
Mule Deer Foundation

The #PROJECTMULEDEER videos share the incredible beauty of the majestic mule deer, focusing on its habitat and the challenges the species is facing across its range.

The first video “Post Rut” spotlights mule deer preparing for the challenging conditions of winter after their substantial loss of energy during the breeding season. Future videos will focus on antler shedding and velvet time, migration between summer and winter range, the fall rut, hunting season, and more.

Mule Deer Foundation
Mule Deer Foundation

MDF is working closely with Matzinger throughout the production process and the videos will connect more people to MDF and the important work the organization is doing in mule deer country.

“#PROJECTMULEDEER will be an incredible tool to tell the story of our beloved and beleaguered mule deer,” said Miles Moretti MDF’s president/CEO. “Jason is a masterful story teller and the stunning footage he has gathered will inspire viewers to get involved in MDF’s efforts to conserve mule deer and their habitats.”


About MDF:

The Mule Deer Foundation is the only conservation group in North America dedicated to restoring, improving and protecting mule deer and black-tailed deer and their habitat, with a focus on science and program efficiency. MDF is a strong voice for hunters in access, wildlife management and conservation policy issues. MDF acknowledges regulated hunting as a viable management component and is committed to recruitment and retention of youth into the shooting sports and conservation.

Get involved on their website or call 1-888-375-3337.