By Lt. Col. Robert K. Brown USAR (Ret.)
Boulder, CO – -( We’re just recovering from all the bombast and bullshit from the 2014 mid-term elections and already are looking ahead at much more of the same during the 2016 presidential election cycle.
We’re also putting up with seeing/hearing and puking regarding an OFU for two more years and possibly more. An OFU? No, not a mispelling of UFO. I mean OFU—old, fat and ugly. Hillary, of course.
But I digress. February 2015 will see the annual election of NRA Board of Directors (BOD). If you are a voting member, said election gives you the opportunity to weigh in on the direction of the NRA. Which, for whatever shortcomings it exhibits (as with any large organization), is the only protection of our 2nd Amendment rights.
SOF endorses the following current BOD members for reelection: Scott Bach, Ronnie Barrett, David Coy, Joseph De- Bergalis, Antonio Hernandez, David Keene, Wayne Anthony Ross, Don Saba, William Satterfield, Ronald Schmeits, Robert Unkovic and Robert Viden.
SOF is also endorsing Sean Mahoney and Timothy Knight, who are running by petition. Their bios follow:
Mr. Timothy Knight
Durango, Colorado
Proudly nominated by member petition ( Founder and architect of the 2013 Colorado recalls that removed Colorado Senate President John Morse and State Senator Angela Giron. Appearances on NRA News, CBS News and Laura Ingraham to discuss landmark recall elections. President of the Basic Freedom Defense Fund, which received the 2014 Jay M. Littlefield NRA–ILA Memorial Volunteer Organization of the Year award. Recipient of NRA–ILA 2014 Defender of the Second Amendment award. Campaigned in Colorado, Connecticut and Iowa for pro-Second Amendment candidates with the NRA Grassroots Division and state organizations. Founder and board member of Colorado Second Amendment Association. NRA Benefactor Member. Member: NRA Ring of Freedom,, NSSF, Wild Sheep Foundation, Whittington Pioneer, CRPA, Rocky Mountain Elk, TSRA, IFC, Buck- eye Firearms Association, SCI. NFA owner. Multiple graduate of Thunder Ranch and Gunsite. Long-term volunteer leader with BSA. Proven grassroots leader.
Mr. Sean Maloney, Esq.
Liberty Township, Ohio
Recipient of 2010 NRA–ILA Jay M. Lit- tlefield Memorial Volunteer of the Year Award, 2011 inductee NRA–ILA Election Volunteer Coordinator Hall of Fame, 2013 Friends of the NRAArea Volunteer of the Year, Southern Ohio, Nominated by mem- ber petition. Committee member of NRA’s Grassroots Development Committee, NRA Golden Eagle Benefactor Life Mem- ber, FONRA Chairman, NRA Certified In- structor, NRA–ILA Election Volunteer Coordinator. NRA referral defense attor- ney, practicing in firearm-related law, Sec- ond Amendment rights, criminal defense, federal and state restoration of gun rights, federal NICS appeals, expert witness. Lobbyist and Legislative Director of Buckeye Firearms Association. Counsels Ohio school boards and assists them in implementing armed teachers and admin- istrators after attending active killer train- ing to keep our children safe. Fought MAIG head-on in Colorado and won re- call elections! Besides Ohio, traveled to Virginia, Iowa, Connecticut to work on NRA-endorsed campaigns. Co-founder of Second Call Defense. OGCA member. Buckeye Firearms Association endorsed.
SOF is NOT endorsing John Brown, who is no relation of mine.
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