The Makarov that shoots around the corner (6 PHOTOS)

The whole set up runs about 45,000 rubles, which may seem like a lot at first-- but not when you do the math.

The whole set up runs about 45,000 rubles, which may seem like a lot at first– but not when you do the math.

For those times when you really have to shoot around a corner, there is this Makarov PM modded with the use of bicycle parts.

Polish gun mag Broń i Amunicja (English= Weapons and Ammuniton) posted images of to their social media account this week of a PM that was rigged up in Russia for some special purpose applications.

The prototype, developed by the Skolkovo Innovation Center in Moscow uses the standard suppressed Makarov PM coupled to a Siemens C75, straps that look like Uncle Dimitri’s belt, a brace made from the spokes of a Ural motorcycle and parts of an old bicycle pump.

The project cost 45,000 rubles, which at the current exchange rate is about $660.

Who says you have to pay big for R&D?

The Makarov that shoots around the corner (1) The Makarov that shoots around the corner (2) The Makarov that shoots around the corner (4) The Makarov that shoots around the corner (5) The Makarov that shoots around the corner (6)

[ Broń i Amunicja ]

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