The IGOLD Difference – Illinois Gun Owner Lobby Day

The IGOLD Difference – Illinois Gun Owner Lobby Day
Smalltalk by Don Bekeleski

Illinois State Rifle Association
Illinois State Rifle Association

Illinois –-( There have been times I have had people say to me, “Does it really make a difference marching at IGOLD to the capitol”?

I have an answer for you. Yes it does!

Have you ever had a conversation with someone about a hot topic and had them say that too bad we couldn’t get enough people together to have a demonstration or something? I’m sure we all have had that experience.

Now we all know conceal carry is a hot topic in the state of Illinois, knowing that pretty soon we will be the only state without it!

The difference here is we do have a very well organized demonstration every year. Yes, you ask about a march or something, but do you take the time needed when it is organized to make sure you are a participant? People take days off from work for many reasons, sometimes just to be lazy for a day. But do they take one day out of their year to be pro-active in a demonstration to help fight for the cause? Somehow, to some people, it doesn’t seem worth it!

It is there, it is organized for them, bus transportation is provided, they are in the company of thousands of others just like them, but it’s not worth it?

If you were traveling alone to Springfield, no one would even know you are there, except you and the legislators you visit. When IGOLD goes down there the whole town knows we are there, even TV stations from central Illinois are present. I believe & I know it makes one hell of an impact! So please give me one sensible reason you are not going with us?

What if there was no IGOLD day? What if seven to ten thousand people didn’t show up? What if there was no unified support held like this for conceal carry? Do you think for one minute the legislators would even think that you as an Illinois citizen cares whether we have conceal carry or not? I don’t think so! You see it always takes grass roots to accomplish something and if the legislators look out their window and there is no grass on the front steps of the capitol, it’s just another day.

So c’mon folks—it’s there and it’s waiting for you to join in! Are you going to just leave it up to the rest of the gun owners of Illinois to fight for you?

If you cannot possibly make it fine, but if you can and you didn’t, I hope that the inner voice you hear all day that you didn’t do your part, weighs on your mind. IGOLD does make a BIG difference! It’s time to jump on the bus and make the chant ‘CONCEAL CARRY NOW” all the louder this year in Springfield.

Plan to be in Springfield on Thursday, March 10!

The event begins at the Prairie Capital Convention Center at 8th St and Adams, the doors open at 10:30 am, and the event starts at 11:45 AM. From there we march to the State Capitol (with transportation for those who can’t walk that far, a little less than a mile) and rally on the Capitol Steps.

IGOLD Updates:
Ride easy! If you don’t want to drive, a fleet of charter buses will be arriving in Springfield from all corners of the state. On-line reservations are available! New for 2011: Buses from Lombard and Woodstock!

Show your support! IGOLD Hats and new 2011 IGOLD T-shirts and Hoodies are available at! Check out the special IGOLD raffle for the Loaded Black Stainless 1911 from Springfield Armory!

Volunteers needed: With a rally this large, IGOLD volunteers are essential to the success of the event. Have you been to IGOLD before? Be a guide for those who are attending for the first time. If you have been a volunteer before, please volunteer again! Find out more here.

IGOLD is sponsored by the Illinois State Rifle Association, dedicated to education, safety training and support of Illinois firearm owners. The ISRA is also partnering with, Guns Save Life and Sangamon County Rifle Association and other pro-Second Amendment organizations in Illinois to make our voices heard in Springfield.

ISRA needs your continued support. McDonald v Chicago was not the end of the fight but the beginning. The ISRA is the front line in the battles for your firearm rights here in Illinois, such as securing your Right To Carry.

The ISRA is the state’s leading advocate of safe, lawful and responsible firearms ownership. Since 1903, the ISRA has represented the interests of over 1.5 million law-abiding Illinois firearm owners Visit: