The Giant Sucking Sound Is Washington Killing the Middle Class

Jim Rubens for US Senate
Jim Rubens for US Senate
Jim Rubens
Jim Rubens

New Hampshire –  -(  Over the past fifteen years, the American middle class has come under increasing economic pressure. Median, inflation-adjusted household income has shrunk by 7 percent and cost of living has ballooned by 35 percent. Nearly all jobs regained since the bottom of the financial meltdown have been part-time, contingent, less secure and at lower wages.

Meanwhile, Washington government and national debt have grown recklessly and Washington household incomes top any other region in the United States.

Today’s giant sucking sound is Washington enriching itself at the expense of the once great middle class.

Now is the time to retire the do-nothing politicians whose chief concern is raising election money from special interests who pay these politicians to perpetuate these harmful policies.

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As Senator, here is what I will do to make the economy work for Americans:

Middle Class Is Shrinking
Middle Class Is Shrinking
  • Reduce tax rates without increasing deficits by simplifying the tax code and eliminating loopholes. Business and corporate tax rates must be reduced to make us competitive with other nations.
  • Repatriate $2 trillion or more in U.S. corporate profits trapped offshore by the present highest-in-the-world 35 percent corporate tax rate.
  • Reduce harmful regulation. Congress has delegated its economic powers to what is now a massive, unaccountable regulatory state. This has generated a regulatory explosion, making it more difficult to start and grow new businesses, which are the source of most new jobs. To tame excessively costly, complex, overlapping, outmoded, and outright harmful regulation, every new regulation with economic impact should be approved by Congress. All existing regulations should sunset at 15 years and be reviewed in public forum, rewritten as needed to minimize economic distortion, and then approved or rejected by Congress.
  • Congress must exercise its constitutional power of the purse. Washington must stop dragging down the economy by putting current spending on the nation’s already maxed-out credit card. Our military leaders have identified federal debt as a top-five national security threat. Debt service on current debt is already crowding out investments that yield future prosperity and is already causing wage stagnation. I oppose Kelly Ayotte’s votes for President Obama’s Cromnibus and Omnibus budget deals which increased national debt by $1.5 trillion over just the past 18 months.
    Secure the borders and enforce the existing E-verify law so that jobs go to American citizens and not to illegal aliens. I oppose Kelly Ayotte’s vote for the Senate’s Gang of 8 amnesty-open borders-jobs for foreigners bill.
  • Reduce excessive legal immigration and abuse of H-1B visas that drive down wages and cause good-paying American jobs to go to foreigners. Work visas should be granted only when American citizens cannot be found to do specific jobs.
  • No TPP trade deal which will drive down American wages and send our jobs offshore. While free trade yields big benefits in increased efficiency and lower cost for consumers, the tradeoffs so far are massive trade deficits, depressed wages and job losses for American workers. Congress must take these tradeoffs into account when negotiating trade deals. I differ with Kelly Ayotte in her vote for TPP.
  • Reduce healthcare costs. Our highest-in-the-world healthcare costs drive jobs offshore. Obamacare has failed to stop above-inflation healthcare cost increases, left almost 30 million Americans uninsured, and moved 20 million from private insurance to deficit-financed Medicaid. Here is my plan to Repeal and Replace Obamacare with solutions to address healthcare cost, quality, and access challenges.

As U.S. Senator, I pledge to fight to strengthen the American middle class, not Washington lobbyists and campaign donors. As Senator, I will fight to MAKE WASHINGTON WORK FOR AMERICANS.

Together, we can make Washington work again for the American people!

Jim Rubens
Businessman and Republican activist from Hanover, NH.