USA – -( I believe that it was famed physicist Albert Einstein who once quipped that the pure definition of insanity is to continue to do the same thing and expect different results.
I cannot think of a better way to describe our very disconcerting fellow Americans of the progressive socialist ilk. On Monday evening I was invited to dinner by some NYPD conservative friends at a restaurant called T Bar on 3rd Avenue, on the Upper East Side of Manhattan. There we had to endure a very loud-mouthed “useful idiot” who proudly proclaimed that George Soros was one of the greatest Jews ever. Uh, really? I cannot begin to mention some of the other purely comical things this individual was saying. I can tell you this: beware of the fella in NYC that has a really bad fake tan — talk about orange — and is a really bad-looking version of former WWF wrestler Rick Flair.
As I ponder the mania at the California Democratic Party Convention, where candidates like Hickenlooper and Delaney were booed for, well, not being stuck on stupid, it hit me. What manner of person would accept or follow a philosophy of governance that abjectly fails? It’s a proven fact. Even worse, it is an ideological belief that depends upon violence for its implementation.
You know that this week was the 30th anniversary of Tiananmen Square. But, we do not have to look back that far, just turn on the TV and see what is happening in Venezuela right now. How very interesting that we do not see much coverage of Venezuela on liberal progressive media outlets. How odd that we have never heard of London’s mayor condemning Hugo Chavez or Nicolas Maduro as threats to Democracy. Doggone, has anyone heard little Sadiq Khan say anything about the murder, torture, and internment camps for religious minorities being run by China’s Emperor for Life, Xi Jinping?
Just yesterday I shared a piece with you asking if the capital city of Austin, Texas — deemed the San Francisco of the south — is the new model for the Lone Star State? Well, y’all responded and so did Liz Peek in an op-ed she wrote.
As written at The Hill:
“During the Democratic Party convention that took place over the weekend in California, candidates not hewing to today’s progressive manifesto were loudly booed.
John Hickenlooper, former governor of Colorado, was jeered by the liberal audience when he dared to say that “socialism is not the answer.”
Similarly, former Maryland Representative John Delaney was heckled for saying that “Medicare for all” is “actually not good policy nor is it good politics.”
That apostasy led “the Boss,” Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-N.Y.), to chastise Delaney for this “awful untrue line” and to tell him to “please sashay away” from the Democratic primary.
It turns out that Democrats may champion free health care and free college, but they sure don’t like free speech — even from the mouths of their own candidates.
But the most astonishing thing about the progressive free-for-all that took place in and around San Francisco was not the obvious distaste for debate or the lack of tolerance. It was is that nobody addressed the elephant in the room: namely, that the city, and the state, are a mess. The quality of life in California is in free fall thanks to liberal policies exactly like those the candidates want to impose on the entire nation.”
Did any candidate notice the squalid tent cities and the human waste fouling the streets of what was once one of America’s most beautiful cities? Did anyone pay attention to the rising crime rate and soaring cost of living? Or the net exodus from the high-tax state, especially by millennials? From 2007 to 2016, California saw its population shrink by 2.5 percent, losing a net 1 million residents.
According to a poll taken earlier this year by Edelman Intelligence, 53 percent of Californians are considering leaving the state, up from 49 percent the year before. Among millennials, the figure is 63 percent, a response that makes New York look downright popular. Out-of-control housing costs is one reason so many are thinking of quitting the Golden State; high taxes is another. In 2018, California boasted the highest marginal tax rate in the U.S., at 12.3 percent, with an additional 1 percent slapped on to those making $1 million or more. The majority of people moving to California are migrating in from other high-tax locales like New York, New Jersey and Illinois; they must not know any better, or maybe this is a bizarre manifestation of Stockholm Syndrome.”
And, this is what we want for Texas? For the entire United States of America?
California Governor Gavin Newsom, who, when confronted with the facts about potential disease outbreaks due to the homeless scourge, responded how proud he was of the diversity in California. Really? Dr. Drew Pinsky is talking about typhoid outbreaks and Newsom responds with the same ol’ tired blather about diversity?
Please, all of you departing California, why is it that you take these same failed uber-leftist policies to successful States like Nevada, Arizona, New Mexico, Colorado, and elsewhere? Why would anyone come into a State like Texas with its incredible growth, opportunity, and prosperity and want to model it after Austin, which is self-acclaimed, modeled after the failure called San Francisco?
Therefore, I must deduce that there are five Ds that describe the mentality, ideology, of the progressive socialist left:
Delusional: Not only do we have Joe Biden, who believes that he walked with Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., and Sen. Richard Blumenthal, who believed he was in Vietnam . . . the concept of progressive socialism is delusional.
For that very loud individual in the restaurant to exclaim that George Soros is one of the greatest Jews, there is no other word than delusional. Then again, think about it: what type of person would embrace the same philosophy that is being evidenced in Venezuela? Spare me the “smart socialism” line. Heck, I have even heard some use the term “socialist capitalism?” Those are two diametrically opposed economic models, then again, delusional people pay no attention to facts.
Deranged: I would offer the example of Antifa or any progressive socialist protest. Furthermore, the leftist reaction to facts only gives witness to their derangement. Of course, we have had to endure BDS and TDS (Bush and Trump Derangement Syndromes). And, who could ever forget the faces on election night 2016? Safe spaces, puppies . . . yes, those are necessities for deranged people.
Devious: The whole concocted Russian collusion scheme is all that needs to be said. When delusion, derangement, and deviousness are combined, yes, we get progressive socialists who are telling themselves, we must impeach President Trump. All those promises of free stuff, yes, that is the devious tactic they use.
Dangerous: There is a common theme among progressive socialists throughout their existence: disarm the populace. The hunger for power, control, leads them to use the tactics if threats, intimidation, coercion, mandates, and yes, violence, to implement their ideological agenda. As stated, this week was the anniversary of Tiananmen Square, and we see what is happening in Venezuela. The rhetoric never changes, nor do the results: liberty-loving people die.
Dumb: This one is the most revealing. I do not need to say any more, as Einstein defined it as insanity. I must admit, progressive socialism is just plain dumb, unless you seek the collective subjugation of free people. There is no wonder that progressive socialists would come up with the idiocy called “common core.” It’s dumb.
California, New York, and our college and university campuses are the breeding grounds of progressive socialism. This failed ideology of leftism is then exported throughout our Republic. Now, why would anyone want to hang out with, or embrace, a philosophy that is delusional deranged, devious, dangerous, and dumb?
The simple answer is that they are stuck on stupid.
Allen West is a retired Lieutenant Colonel in the United States Army. Mr. West is a Senior Fellow at the Media Research Center to support its mission to expose and neutralize liberal media bias and is an author of the book from Brown Books Publishing Group, “Hold Texas, Hold the Nation: Victory or Death” available on Amazon. Read more from Allen West at .