Thanks for the Massive Omnibus Spend, GOP…NOT

Art by A.F. Branco

GOP Finale Omnibus
Thanks for the Massive Omnibus Spend, GOP…NOT
AmmoLand Gun News
AmmoLand Gun News

USA –-( Thanks for the Massive Omnibus Spend, GOP…NOT

“The $1.1 trillion omnibus spending bill sailed through the House on Friday by a vote of 316-113.

Ninety-five Republicans split with House GOP leadership to vote against the spending bill. Another 150 Republicans supported it, while just 18 Democrats opposed it.

Here is the full list of the Republicans who voted against the spending bill.” ~ The Daily Signal

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About A.F. Branco

A.F. Branco is a GrassRoots Conservative Political Cartoonist for Conservative Daily News, Net Right Daily, Legal Insurrection, and now Ammoland Shooting Sports News. Share this page and help spread our pro gun, conservative message with humor.

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