A Texas hunter claims to have captured a live chupacabra Sunday night.
Arlen Parma is a seasoned hunter from the backwoods of a small town called Ratcliffe. While many others have said to have slayed the mythical creature, this may be the first example of a live chupacabra, ABC reports.
“I hunted coons for 20 years with dogs and I ain’t never seen nothing looks like that right there,” said Parma, referring to the caged animal.
Parma’s wife, Jackie Stock, was shocked when her husband came home with the hairless creature, and instantly knew what it was.
“He called me to come and look, and I said, ‘Bubba, that looks like a baby chupacabra,” said Stock.
While Parma, Stock, and most others from DeWitt County are confident the myth of the chupacabra has finally been broken, wildlife experts aren’t so certain.
“The animal in the cage as best I can tell from the view was some sort of a small canine,” said Brent Ortego, a wildlife diversity biologist with Texas Parks and Wildlife, adding the animal’s lack of hair is likely due to mange.
Although legend has it the chupacabra feeds off the blood of cows and goats, this one is being fed a steady diet of cat food and corn and is currently making its home in the Stock residence.
[ ABC ]
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