The .44 Special is over a century old, first produced by Smith & Wesson in 1907, but how does it stack up to its larger and better known younger brother? To answer that question, Paul Harrell holds class by testing several comparable loads by well-known makers.
The bottom line is that the .44 Magnum, naturally, puts a lot more velocity on downrange. Regardless, there are still several gun manufacturers that produce .44 SPL guns such as Ruger which makes a model of their GP100 in the caliber as well as the entire Charter Arms Bulldog line.
And of course, any revolver chambered for .44 Mag will accept the shorter, although often much harder to find, .44 SPL round.
Regardless, be sure to stick around for the whole video by Harrell, as he breaks out one of his trademarked “meat targets” about at 9:30 mark. You don’t want to miss that.
* reminds all users to remember the basic rules of firearms safety, storage, and use whenever handling firearms. Videos are for entertainment only and should not be recreated.*
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