Tennessee Passes Right to Hunt and Fish Constitutional Amendment

Tennessee Passes Right to Hunt and Fish Constitutional Amendment

Tennessee Wildlife Federation
Tennessee Wildlife Federation

Nashville, TN – -(Ammoland.com)-  The Tennessee Wildlife Federation has been a champion on issues of importance to sportsmen and women for more than 60 years.

Today, we are proud to have led a six-year process to amend the state constitution to guarantee the personal right to hunt and fish.

This has been a grassroots effort, a campaign with a short timeline and a very limited budget. We led a coalition of virtually all national conservation organizations and more than 100 local clubs and chapters across the state.

Thousands of volunteers helped ensure our success, and their children and grandchildren will thank them one day.

Hunting and fishing are important to the people of Tennessee — and to the state — for economic and other practical reasons.

As we’ve seen here and in other states, some groups want to see hunting and fishing outlawed. But as of tonight, we can rest easy knowing that it will not happen here.

These days, the reality is if you want to be sure about something, you had better get it in writing.

The Purpose of the Tennessee Wildlife Federation is to champion the conservation, sound management and enjoyment of Tennessee’s wildlife and natural resources for current and future generations through stewardship, advocacy and education. Visit: www.tnwf.org