New Jersey – -( Tea Party Express will be rolling into New Jersey this Saturday to host a GOTV Tea Party rally and to endorse Steve Lonegan for the U.S. Senate.
The rally will feature some of the most prominent and influential conservative leaders who are throwing their support behind Lonegan in this important election. We are working out the details, but major announcements are coming very soon!
We are excited to be joining local Tea Party activists in support of Steve Lonegan. With the Democrat-controlled Senate’s proven unwillingness to act to solve anything, it is important that we elect representatives who can solve problems.
Unlike his opponent, Democrat Cory Booker, who will be a rubber stamp for the liberal policies for President Barack Obama, Steve Lonegan has demonstrated a passion for fighting against the increasing size, cost, and intrusiveness of government.
Polls are starting to tighten, and Lonegan has erased the large lead that Booker enjoyed most of the campaign. We are gaining momentum at just the right time, but we need your help to put him over the top.
We have all known that Harry Reid’s time as Senate Majority Leader needs to end if we are going to have any chance of getting our country headed in the right direction. Winning this special election will put us one step closer.
With the special election one week away, conservatives from around the country need to unite behind Steve Lonegan. It is what we must do if we are going to be able to put up a fight against the Obama war-chest and the deep pocketed unions.
Join us and make sure your voice is heard by donating to Steve Lonegan today!
Tea Party Express is the largest and most aggressive national Tea Party group operating as a political action committee. We are 100% committed to identifying and supporting electable conservative candidates who will champion Tea Party values. If you support our mission and want to help us elect true fiscal conservatives to Congress, please help by making a contribution.