Tactical Atlas Firearm Blog

Norfolk VA. PD Changes Policy Which Excluded Gun Sales In “E-Commerce Exchange Zones”

Why wouldn't the police want such transactions done under their watchful eyes to discourage prohibited persons from buying guns through private sales?

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Pelican Gun Cases Bans Guns?

Pelican Products the company that produces custom cases and inserts for guns, has a no guns sign on their front door?

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Gun Violence Protection Orders : VA. Legislators Need To Be Educated

GVPOs allow a judge to order the police to confiscate all of your firearms based solely on the word of a person who is claiming that you are a danger to yourself or others.

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Georgia, New Law Recognizes Virginia Concealed Handgun Permits

But, until the new law goes into effect immediately, DO NOT CARRY outside your vehicle in Georgia until the Georgia...

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VA Governor McAuliffe Promotes 1-Gun-a-Month Bill While Putting CHP Privacy At Risk

Unfortunately, McAuliffe seems to be far more interested in appeasing the anti-gun politicians in his home state of New York than he does protecting law-abiding Virginians.

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VCDL-PAC Endorses Jill Vogel For Lieutenant Governor In Primary

On Tuesday, June 13, 2017, the Republican Party will be holding a statewide Primary to select their nominee for Lieutenant Governor.

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VCDL-PAC Endorses Corey Stewart for Governor in the Republican Primary

On Tuesday, June 13, 2017, the Republican Party will be holding a statewide Primary to select their nominee for Governor.

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Party Of Gun-Control Is Going After VA. Delegate Scott Lingamfelter

Never missing an opportunity to raise money, the Democrats are going after pro gun republican Delegate Scott Lingamfelter from Virginia...

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Gun Runners Caught, but Virginia Gun Owners Are Expected To Pay The Price

And, of course, the gun-controllers are dancing inanely around the room, thinking they have another excuse to restrict guns in Virginia.

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“Most Important Virginia Election Ever”

This upcoming election cycle in Virginia might be "the most important ever" in the terms of our gun rights in The Old Dominion..

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