Tactical Atlas Firearm Blog
Trump and Putin Meeting
by Michael RamirezDepending on who you believe the Trump and Putin meeting is an important breakthrough or a complete disaster.
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What Is America’s Cause in the World Today?
by Pat BuchananDefeating Nazism and fascism was a cause. Defending the West against Communism was a cause. But what cause now unites Americans?
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From Russia With Love
by Walter WilliamsThe lifting of export restrictions has raised natural gas prices in the U.S. but lowered them in the recipient countries and weakened Russia's economic and political hold on Europe.
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The Friends You Keep
by Michael RamirezWhat kind of nation wants to be associated with the mass murder of innocent men, women, and children?
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Russia Bears No Responsibility
by Michael RamirezWe are without doubt that Russia is responsible. No country bar Russia has combined capability, intent and motive.
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Time to Get Over the Russophobia
by Pat BuchananUnless there is a late surge for Communist Party candidate Pavel Grudinin, Vladimir Putin will be re-elected president of Russia for another six years...
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Russian Contractor Attack on U.S. Base in Syria Defeated with “Overwhelming Force”
by AmmolandThe school shooting in Florida has overshadowed news about the fight between the Wagner Group and U.S. backed SDF but with over 300 casualties...
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One School Shooting Killed Hundreds Despite Gun-Grabber Wish List of Edicts in Place
by David CodreaYou could give the antis everything they ask for... scratch that, everything they demand, and here’s what happened in a country that did:
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The Wizard of D.C.
by A.F. BrancoOver a year of investigating Russia Trump collusion and still absolutely no evidence to show for it. Political Cartoon by A.F. Branco 2017.
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The Apprentice
by A.F. BrancoPartisan Stroke is fired by Partisan Mueller from the Russia Trump Collusion Team for being a Democrat Hack. Political Cartoon by A.F. Branco 2017.
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Grilled Turkey
by Ammoland Editor Joe EvansNothing is off limits to Mueller in the Russia collusion investigation, not even a pardoned turkey. Political Cartoon by A.F. Branco 2017.
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Hannity Knew of Russian Extortion, Bribery: Deep State Floundering
by Dean WeingartenOn Hannity's radio program, I heard Hannity say he knew of the details of the bribery and extortion associated with the Uranium One scandal over a year ago.
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