Tactical Atlas Firearm Blog

The Forever War Against Radical Islam

Now across the West, there is a belief among some Muslims that what the killers are doing is moral and meritorious -- taking the martyr's path to salvation..

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Unafraid to Be Blinded

Morrissey concluded his strong statement with an attack on how the political correctness of Britain’s leaders doesn’t protect the people they’re supposed to serve.

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Exporting Islamic Violence

Several vehicles full of gunmen in “military uniforms,” and with faces covered, pulled up alongside and began firing AKs into the bus.

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That Ship Has Sailed

BRITISH police officers have sensationally backed Donald Trump’s controversial claim that parts of the country are no-go areas because of growing Islamist extremism.

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World’s Most Dangerous Places to Avoid

Our State Department periodically issues “warnings” with regard to certain countries and areas, and my advice is to take them seriously!

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U.S. Raid in Yemen Garners Intelligence

The U.S. military raid on the militant compound in Yemen Jan. 28 that killed a U.S. service member and injured three others yielded valuable intelligence...

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Immigration Regretting

U.S. President Donald Trump fired top federal government lawyer Sally Yates on Monday after she took the extraordinarily rare step of defying the White House...

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Radical Ban Saw

Donald Trump places a temporary ban on countries that have ties to radical terrorism and the liberals are freaking out.

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Islamic Terrorists Raise Cash in Latin America to Attack U.S.

Latin America is a hotbed of Islamic terrorism where groups like ISIS and Hezbollah operate freely and raise large sums of money to finance terrorist activities in other countries.

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It’s Here to Stay – Endless War! ~ VIDEO

This War will probably never be resolved, certainly not within our lifetimes. We are all combatants for the duration, whether we “volunteer” or not!

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Three Terrorist Attacks, Three Different Countries

These three attacks in three different countries are reminders of the cancer that is growing. And of course, none of this includes the violence of Syria, Iraq, Libya, and Somalia.

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The Coexist Myth

Many say there is no way to coexist with people who want to kill us, referring to radical Islam ISIS.

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