Tactical Atlas Firearm Blog
Bill filed to halt rifle reporting requirement for border state gun stores
by Chris EgerSenate Republicans the week filed legislation to stop the controversial requirement for gun dealers along the U.S.-Mexico border to report multiple sales to the ATF.
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SAGA Warns Western Cape Police Service to Raid Gun Owners Homes
by AmmolandSouth African Gunowners Association has been advised that South African Police Service in the Western Cape will be conducting an operation aimed at gunowners...
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A Federal Gun Registry in the Making
by DeltaOperatorManHawaii has become the nation’s leader in creating a national registry of gun owners. Hawaii residents who own firearms will now be reported to a federal criminal record database called.....
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Pro-Gun Victory & Anti-Gun Insanity in North Carolina
by AmmolandIt seems appropriate that the people of North Carolina send Mayor Alexander a friendly note to let her know what we think of gun registration schemes...
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Jews For The Preservation Of Firearms Ownership Denounces Obama Executive Orders
by AmmolandObama’s proposes an expansion of background checks and exponentially increasing stigma regarding mental health treatment, while claiming to reduce that same stigma...
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Martin O’Malley, Democrat Presidential Wannabe, Calls for National Gun Registration
by AmmolandIf any of the Democrat Presidential candidates are nominated, they will all push for what O'Malley has just enunciated...
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UN’s New Regulation Of Civilian Access To Small Arms & Light Weapons Unacceptable
by AmmolandThis module reveals Coordinating Action on Small Arms profound misunderstanding of the natural rights of citizens and their relationship to government...
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Federal court upholds ATF gun reporting requirement for border state FFLs
by Chris EgerThe 2011 order by the ATF for gun dealers in border states to report two or more rifle sales made within five days was upheld by a federal court Monday.
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Harry Reid Revives Call for Universal Gun Registration
by AmmolandLike a vampire who can't stop sucking the blood of horrific tragedies, Senate Democratic Leader Harry Reid is once again pushing to suck political gain from the pain of others...
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Gun Registration Bill Exempts ‘ObamaCare’ Entities
by Alan KorwinThe gun-owner registration bill "92% of the public supports" leaves out guns in hospitals and any... "health insurance entity." ObamaCare is a health-insurance entity...
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Obama Budget Lays Groundwork for Universal Gun Registry
by AmmolandHolder didn't think anyone would read his written budget submission, because he all-but-admitted that Obama intends to implement a Universal Gun Registry by executive fiat...
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Poll: Majority in NY, NJ, VA support national gun registry
by Chris EgerAccording to a poll released Tuesday, a majority of registered voters in New Jersey, New York and Virginia said they support a national gun registry.
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