Tactical Atlas Firearm Blog

Ayoob Provides Unflinching Look At Reality Of Self-Defense

Before he became president of the Second Amendment Foundation, Massad Ayoob provided support for the Second Amendment, but his work on the reality of self-defense may be his most vital contribution.

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Massad Ayoob Named President Of Second Amendment Foundation

Internationally-known firearms author and trainer Massad Ayoob has been named president of the Second Amendment Foundation, succeeding the late Joseph Tartaro.

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Viridian Interviews Massad Ayoob In “Just The Facts”: Episode Two

In the second episode of “Just the FACTs,” Massad Ayoob discussed a number of topics, his new book, expert testimony, the 5-Point Checklist and more.

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‘Safety On’ crosses party lines to educate kids on guns

Yehuda Remer became a first time gun owner in the midst of raising children and it was his role as a father that inspired the author of Safety On: An Introduction to the World of Firearms for Kids to focus his talents on teaching gun safety to kids.

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Straight Talk on Armed Defense: What the Experts Want You to Know

In Straight Talk on Armed Defense: What the Experts Want You to Know, Massad Ayoob & the nation’s leading experts on personal protection, self-defense & concealed carry deliver authoritative guide..

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A Day of Days-LockNLoad Radio

Then it was a 1st. A simulcast to celebrate the 400th Episode of the Polite Society Podcast, complete with their guests Massad Ayoob and Gail Pepin.

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You’ll shoot your eye out

I say congratulations to 11-year old Chris Gaither, but add that I hope he understands how lucky he is after he shot a burglar in the leg.

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Open carry exposes Americans’ rights and ignorance

Want to get a flame war going in a discussion about guns? Mention open carry, though, ironically, it's this practice that separates communication over the rights and needs of gun owners and the assumptions and inclinations of non-gun owners the most.

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