Tactical Atlas Firearm Blog

TX: Allen Massacre Underlines the FALSE Promise of ‘Universal Background Checks’

Mass shooters typically do not have disqualifying records, and restrictions on private gun sales are rightfully and widely flouted by sovereign American citizens....

‘Assault Weapon’ Bans Look More Legally Vulnerable Than Ever

Pending demise of a long-running public policy fraud that falsely depicts semi-automatic rifles as good for nothing but mass murder.

Texas Jury Unanimously Rejects Perry’s Assertion That Foster Pointed a Rifle at Him

Whether Foster had, in fact pointed the rifle at Perry was a crucial question during the trial & was contradicted by several witnesses...

Rejecting the Premise That Universities Should Protect Students From Offensive Ideas

Cornell's president Martha Pollack rejects the pernicious premise that universities should protect students from offensive ideas.

Restraining Orders Do Not Prove That People Are ‘Dangerous’

The constitutional question is whether disarming the targets of restraining orders is "consistent with the Nation's historical tradition of firearm regulation."

The Inconvenient Crime of Malinformation: Are You Innocent or Guilty?

The Legal Challenge to Censorship by Proxy Highlights Covert Government Manipulation of Online Speech...

Biden’s Attack on ‘Ghost Guns’ Fits a Pattern of Lawless Firearm Regulation

The ATF's about-face in service of Biden's gun control agenda threatened to destroy an industry that catered to DIY gun makers...

The Only Ones Influenced by Russian Propaganda Were Fake News Media

Russian propaganda looks like a failure if it was supposed to "reshape U.S. politics [..]as the Times has claimed. But credulous journalists to the bait hook, line & sinker.

3rd Circuit Considers Whether Nonviolent Crimes Justify the Loss of Gun Rights?

Bryan Range did not realize that Pennsylvania misdemeanor conviction also came with a lifelong penalty: He lost his constitutional right to keep & bear arms!?

Democrats Will Regret Compromising Taxpayer Privacy to Get Trump

The release of former President Trump's 'nothing-burger' tax returns sets a dangerous precedent for Joe Biden, Obama & the Clintons. All most like Trump planned that?

Prosecuting Julian Assange Poses a Grave Threat to Freedom of the Press

"Publishing is not a crime," the U.S. Department of Justice disagrees, as evidenced by its prosecution of WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange for obtaining and disseminating classified material.

The Government Can’t Fix Social Media Moderation & Should Not Try

Democrats and Republicans both demand solutions that are inconsistent with the first amendment...