Tactical Atlas Firearm Blog
Fake News Alert: “Unsecured Guns” Kill Kids
by Dean WeingartenIf people are sincerely interested in reducing the number of children that are killed with guns in the US, it will serves them to lie about the numbers.
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Unsecured Gun Leads To 4-Year-Old Las Vegas Boy’s Death
by Bob IrwinThese are truly tough cases. It does no good to punish the parents as their lives are completely destroyed as is their entire family.
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Attorney: California cops broke law when leaving guns unlocked in car
by Andrew SheppersonAdding insult to injury, it turns out a group of California police officers that had guns stolen from their car were also in violation of the law, a top prosecutor said Thursday.
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Study: Kids who watch movies with guns likely to use guns
by Andrew SheppersonKids who watch movies that depict people using guns are more likely play with firearms for longer periods of time and to pull the trigger, a new study suggests.
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Australian Gun Culture Part 20: Abuse Leads to Gun Law Reform
by Dean WeingartenWhen I arrived in Australia, one of the first stories was about how the so called "sensible gun laws" were not so "sensible" for people in rural Australia.
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Kentucky lawmaker wants to punish people who leave loaded guns around kids
by Andrew SheppersonA Kentucky lawmaker is fed up with people leaving loaded, unsecured guns around kids and has decided to propose a bill that would punish those who do so.
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STI International launches soft-side zip case for handguns
by Jacki BillingsSTI International offers more protection for handguns headed to the range, introducing a new padded case designed to keep gun cargo safe on the go.
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Gun safety activist urges proper gun storage after grandson’s fatal shooting
by Andrew SheppersonA Louisville gun safety activist is encouraging gun owners to use gun locks and safely store their guns, an issue he's taken all the more seriously since his grandson was fatally shot in January 2016.
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Gun Box 3 – Feature Update Sneak Peak
by John CrumpIf the Gun Box 3 does everything Gun Box says it does this should be another home run on gun storage and safety.
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GO-Magnets provide more ways to store guns in the home or on the go
by Jacki BillingsGO-Magnets were released two years ago and the company behind the storage solution hasn’t stopped innovating.
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Go-Magnet: The Ultimate Gun Magnet on the Market
by Ammoland Editor Joe EvansThe Go-Magnet first released its revolutionary product two years ago and continues to provide a simple innovative way for gun owners to store guns.
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Virginia man arrested after loaded, unsecured guns found within reach of kids
by Andrew SheppersonA Virginia man was arrested Saturday after police found loaded firearms and ammunition unsecured and within reach of a 2-year-old girl and 5-year-old boy.
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