Tactical Atlas Firearm Blog
School Suspends 1st-Grade Students for Finger Guns, while Playing Cops & Robbers
by John Crump
A 1st-grade student was suspended from an AL Elementary School for pretending his fingers were shaped like a gun while playing with a classmate!
ATF Inspector Seizes Gun Store Records Without A Warrant
by John Crump
An ATF Industry Operations Inspector (IOI) violated federal law when they seized an FFL's completed Form 4473s, taking them off-site to make copies.
Coalition of FFLs Sue Over Biden’s “Zero Tolarance” Policy
by John Crump
A coalition of Federal Firearms Licensees (FFLs), led by Eric Blanford (Iraqveteran8888), has stepped up to contest what they view as an overreach of government authority.
Human Rights Group Sues Over Gun Purchase Waiting Periods For Those Under 21
by John Crump
TX: Several young adults filed a lawsuit in federal court challenging the Bipartisan Safer Communities Act that requires enhanced background checks for adults under 21.
Gun Owners Foundation Celebrates 40 Years of Fighting For Gun Rights
by John Crump
GOF remains committed to its cause & believes that any infringement on the Second Amendment threatens all other civil liberties & individual rights.
Florida Passes Permitless Concealed Carry Bill – Headed to Governor Ron DeSantis’ Desk!
by Luis Valdes
Starting July 1st, Floridians will at least be able to join 25 other states by being able to conceal and carry a handgun without the need of a government issue permission slip.
GOA and GOF Encouraged by SCOTUS Commentary in Denial of Request for Stay
by AmmoLand Editor Duncan Johnson
In GOA's challenge to New York’s Concealed Carry Improvement Act, the Supreme Court of the United States denied blocking the 2nd Circuit’s stay of an injunction against the law.
Virginia’s ‘Pro-Gun’ AG is Fighting To KEEP Universal Background Checks!?
by John Crump
Why is Virginia’s reportedly 'pro-freedom' Attorney General, Jason Miyares, fighting so hard to protect Universal Background Checks?
Pelosi Family Becomes Victim of Own Policies During Break-In
by Luis Valdes
In a tragic twist of fate, the Pelosi family has become victims of their own anti-gun policies during an assault at their home.
Is There A Bad Time to Introduce a Great Pro Gun Bills?
by F Riehl, Editor in Chief
Should 2A advocates push for strong legislation when we know it does not have the votes to pass Congress, let alone override a president’s veto?
The New York Antonyuk Case: a Second Amendment Supreme Court Gun Case In The Making?
by Roger Katz
As quickly as Hochul signed the amendments to New York’s unconstitutional Gun Law, an American citizen & New York resident, Ivan Antonyuk, along with Gun Owners of America, filed their challenge.
Gun Owners Should Seek Training to Improve Their Firearms Skills
by F Riehl, Editor in Chief
I want to be clear when I say this… Citizens should NOT be required by the government to have training to participate in an inalienable right.
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