Tactical Atlas Firearm Blog
California DFW Accepting Proposals for Proposition 1 Restoration Grants
by Ammoland Editor Joe EvansThe California DFW is now accepting proposals for ecosystem restoration and protection projects that fulfill the objectives of Proposition 1.
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Bipartisan coalition in Congress presses for $75 million NICS investment
by Christen SmithCongressional lawmakers pushed for a $75 million investment into the National Instant Criminal Background Check System in a letter last week.
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In meeting with police union, Trump says there’s ‘no excuse’ for Chicago violence
by Brian SeayHosting several members of the police union in the Roosevelt Room of the White House on Tuesday, Trump reiterated his commitment to law enforcement, and again asked, “what’s going on in Chicago?”
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Sanctuary city leaders remain defiant as DOJ announces crackdown (VIDEO)
by Brian SeayAttorney General Jeff Sessions says sanctuary jurisdictions that refuse to cooperate with federal law enforcement efforts will not be eligible for federal money.
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Can algorithms help stop gang violence on social media before it spills into the streets?
by Brian SeayResearchers at Columbia University hope computer analysis of language in social media posts can help stop gang violence before it starts.
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Georgia: Forsyth Educator Awarded $1,000 as ‘Conservation Teacher of Year’
by AmmoLand Editor Duncan JohnsonA Monroe County teacher’s proposal to create a bog garden out of a regularly flooded area at her school earned a $1,000 grant from the Georgia Department of Natural Resources.
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Gov. Rick Snyder Applauds Michigan Natural Resources
by AmmoLand Editor Duncan JohnsonGov. Rick Snyder today applauded the Michigan Natural Resources Trust Fund board for its submission of grant recommendations for recreational development and land acquisition projects.
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Minnesota: Grant Aims to Get More People Hunting and Fishing
by AmmoLand Editor Duncan JohnsonAnglers still cast lines and hunters head to deer camp each year, but the percentage of Minnesotans who hunt or fish is shrinking.
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Grant Funding Available for Angling Programs Geared to Hispanic Communities
by DeltaOperatorManThe California Department of Fish and Wildlife (CDFW) and the Recreational Boating & Fishing Foundation (RBFF) are looking for new ways to educate and engage Hispanic communities in the.....
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NRA Foundation Grants Support American Youths While Preserving Shooting Traditions
by NRAHQDespite the complaints and attacks by anti-gunners, The NRA Foundation will continue its dedication to helping young Americans embrace, enjoy and excel in the shooting sports.
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Arizona: Local Sportsmen’s Groups Awarded $75,000 in Grants
by DeltaOperatorManThe Arizona Game and Fish Department has awarded $75,000 in grant funding for local sportsmen’s organizations to provide public, hands-on, mentored projects focused on the retention of new.....
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NRA Foundation Grants Help School Shooting Teams Mine ‘Golden’ Opportunities
by NRAHQNRA Foundation grants routinely support high school and college shooting teams, including the programs that propelled U.S. Olympic shooter Ginny Thrasher to her gold medal win.
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