Tactical Atlas Firearm Blog
Headwater Streams, Wetlands Under Assault by House Proposals
by DeltaOperatorManA landmark rule that would restore clarity to the federal Clean Water Act, safeguarding key U.S. waterways and wetlands and the fish and wildlife that depend on them, is under assault by members of...
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Delaware DNREC Awarded $443K Wetlands Program Development Grant from EPA
by DeltaOperatorManDNREC’s Wetland Monitoring and Assessment Program within the department’s Division of Watershed Stewardship has been awarded a three-year Wetland Program Development Grant.
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EPA’s Phony ‘Environmental Justice’ Caper
by Paul DriessenThe agency’s real agenda: empire, control, and inverted justice for poor and minority families...
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EPA Pesticide Bans Threaten You and the Economy
by Alan CarubaThe EPA has evolved over the years into a totally rogue government agency, worse than the ATF, issuing thousands of regulations with the intent to control virtually every aspect of life in America...
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The Environmental Corruption Agency
by Michelle MalkinSaving the planet? Real environmental protection starts with draining this fetid swamp that is the EPA...
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Breaking Through the EPA’s Climate Science Secrecy Barriers
by Paul DriessenThe prospect of the EPS having to share their data, methodologies & research with experts outside their closed circle of regulators, collaborators and eco-activists makes them soil their shorts...
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Overthrowing Our Dictatorial Environmental Protection Agency
by Paul DriessenBy 2030 the EPA out of control regulations will cost 224,000 jobs, force US consumers to pay $289 billion more for electricity, and lower disposable incomes for American households by $586 billion...
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Caruba: The EPA’s Agenda: Undermine Capitalism and America
by Alan CarubaThe Environmental Protection Agency has been in a full assault on the U.S. economy since the 1980s when the global warming hoax was initiated...
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Science Must Guide EPA Report on Waters and Wetlands, Say Sportsmen
by AmmoLand Editor Duncan JohnsonProminent sportsmen’s groups today offered specific recommendations for strengthening an Environmental Protection Agency report that could play a major role in restoring Clean Water Act protections to waters and wetlands important to fish and wildlife...
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Allen West: ‘Back door gun control is here, no lead means no bullets’
by S.H. BlannelberryRepublican Allen West claims that the closing of a lead smelting facility in Missouri is back door gun control hatched by the Obama administration and carried out via the EPA's regulatory standards.
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“Heavy handed” federal agents raid rural Alaskan town, check for dirty water
by Brent McCluskeyThe Alaska Environmental Crimes Task Force recently dispatched eight armed agents wearing body armor to check for dirty water in the rural gold mining town of Chicken, Alaska. The community, with only 17 residents and several dozen seasonal miners, was distraught when the agents checked for violations of the Clean Water Act, which covers how […]
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Climate Alarmism’s 10,000 Commandments
by Paul DriessenThe manmade global warming “disasters” exist only in computer models and assertions by scientists who are addicted to billions in government Climate Armageddon grants...
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