Tactical Atlas Firearm Blog
Et Tu, Sen. Burr?
by David LimbaughHow nauseating that RINO Sen. Richard Burr is doing the bidding of vindictive Democrats in issuing a subpoena to Donald Trump Jr.
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The Worm Has Turned on the Democrats
by David LimbaughDemocrats and their media colluders impotent protest as their dreams of interfering with the 2016 presidential election come to a screeching halt.
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Trump Is a Threat to the Constitution? Nice Try, Nancy
by David LimbaughDemocrats mouthed their party's delusional mantra that President Trump is a threat to the Constitution -- a rich allegation from those would dismantle major pillars of our republican system of...
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Liberalism a Dehumanizing Cancer that Will Eat Itself
by David LimbaughLiberal ideology is rife with inconsistencies, but none is greater than how its supposedly animating motivation -- human compassion -- is contradicted by its devaluation of human life.
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Uncle Joe Biden Meets Hollywood McCarthyism — and Folds
by David LimbaughI don't know which is worse, the intolerant left's condemnation of former Vice President Joe Biden for saying Vice President Mike Pence is a "decent guy," or Biden's shameless groveling and apology.
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Kudos to Chris Pratt, For Coming Out
by David LimbaughHow often have we seen Hollywood celebrities praised as courageous for "coming out" and admitting they're gay? Isn't it far more courageous for people to profess their Christian faith?
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Crazy AOC Is No Democrat Outlier
by David LimbaughThe main problem in American politics is not the obvious polarization but the underlying reasons for it. Partisanship, angst and divisiveness are all preferable to surrendering the culture and fundam
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Trump and His Supporters Are in This Fight for the Long Haul
by David LimbaughConservative patriots have had it with leftist bullies obliterating America's founding principles, traditional values, and constitutional liberties. They are sick of leftists...
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Abortion Extremism Exposing Left’s Moral Contradictions ~ VIDEO
by David LimbaughWatching the left's depravity in outright advocating the murder of innocent infants while moralizing to us about universal health care is just insanity.
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Pelosi and Schumer Show Their Colors ~ VIDEO
by David LimbaughThe Oval Office meeting with President Trump, Democratic House leader Nancy Pelosi and Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer was a win for Trump, both in substance and in tone.
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Racism — It’s Everywhere! It’s Everywhere!
by David LimbaughThink about it. Liberals invoke race in discussions of immigration, voting, sports, education, taxes, health care, welfare and law enforcement. It is sick stuff. Consider a few examples.
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Let the Democrats Keep Showing Their Hand
by David LimbaughThe Democratic Party's emerging radical bloc is alarming, but the leftist group's youthful intemperance could backfire and re-energize Republicans' 2020 electoral prospects.
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