Tactical Atlas Firearm Blog

What Trump’s Wall Says to the World

The crisis of our time is not that some Americans are saying this, but that so many are too paralyzed to say it...

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Ultrasound: The Anti-Science Left’s Bugaboo

The popular diagnostic tools that give parents and doctors around the world an increasingly vivid window to the womb fundamentally undermine Planned Parenthood's dehumanizing propaganda.

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History of the Violent Left, Know Thy Enemy

When are we going to have a conversion about left wing violence? To me, it seems long overdue...

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Thank You, Professor Sowell ~ VIDEO

Sowell's assessments were rooted not in fear or hatred or fanaticism or moral superiority, but in empirical evidence. He judged outcomes, not oration. He didn't make excuses. He made sense.

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Poverty Porn & Bogus Charities

Extracting money from guilt-ridden Americans is big business, and the extraction process has become a goal in itself..

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The College Inclusiveness & Diversity Scam

The lack of diversity, inclusiveness and proportionality in professional basketball and football is much worse and among the highest-paid players, blacks represent bigger percentages..

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A New Victim in the War on Small-Biz – Bakeries

It is not enough for family-owned pastry shops to bow to the gay marriage mob. Now, they're being targeted by the social justice mafia.

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Has the Trumpian Revolution Begun?

The rise of the conservative movement of Goldwater & Reagan revealed liberalism's hour to be but a passing moment. Today, something far beyond conservatism seems to be afoot.

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The Walking Dead, A Leftist Utopia

Over the past few weeks I come to realize that this dystopian society I have been watching play out is actually a leftist utopia.

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Closing Argument

The “Closing Argument” for Donald Trump is – Hillary’s choices for SCOTUS Justices would be a disaster for our Constitutional rights.

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Hillary Clinton and the Extreme Abortionist Culture

Mary Elizabeth Williams, "So what if abortion ends life?" "that doesn't make me one iota less solidly pro-choice."

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Random Thoughts, Hillary, ObamaCare & “Investment”

Hillary Clinton has performed the verbal magic of turning her years of repeated disastrous decisions in foreign policy into a political asset called "experience."

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