Tactical Atlas Firearm Blog

The Red York Times: First in Fake News

The Red York Times: First in fake news and progenitor of alternative facts and just bold commie loving liars..

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Bloody Venezuela

Hundreds of Venezuelans are making the 3,000-mile journey to Argentina every week, and that number is likely to increase amid the ongoing economic and social turmoil...

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Makarov PM in 9x18mm: From Cold War service to concealed carry pistol

I know of one often overlooked pocket pistol that has been around for almost seventy years and has a proven track record worldwide: the Makarov PM pistol.

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Gun Review: CZ-75B ‘Cold War Commemorative’ handgun in 9×19mm

Although there are some who take the shooting world far too seriously, there are many of us who see it as a duality. It can be both a hobby to have fun with and help us relax , whilst also being a practical, very serious application of life and liberty. The handgun I’m reviewing here […]

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What Do Leftists Celebrate? May Day 2017

Leftists around the world will continue to celebrate the ideas of communism under the guise of May Day celebrations.

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Merger Complete

This cartoon from 2015 becomes more relevant today, as the Democrat party keeps moving even further to the far alt left.

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Statue of Tyranny

Bernie Is My Comrade, says the millions of ignorant millennials who have no concept of what Socialism/communism is, given its disastrous history.

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Obama’s Unacceptable Love Affair With Communism

Our president is gallivanting about the globe telling young people and anyone else who'll listen that there isn't a dime's worth of difference between communism and capitalism.

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America’s Collegiate Shop of Horrors

If you're outraged and don't know why, but, since your BFFs are, you are too, then this column is for you.

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Dalton Trumbo Had It Coming

Hollywood making a movie about Trumbo to whitewash the traitor & his comrades who were blacklisted for refusing to testify to the House Un-American Activities Committee...

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