Tactical Atlas Firearm Blog
ObamaCare Last Rights
by Michael RamirezHealth plan costs are soaring, insurers are bailing out and even some Democrats admit the health law needs fixing — soon — or goodbye ObamaCare.
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Government vs. People and Guns : Primum non nocere
by AmmolandBy Tom Vaughan
USA – -(Ammoland.com)- The mission of the Food and Drug Administration is ostensibly to protect Americans from potentially harmful substances. Likely you’ve seen the agency come under fire for a variety of reasons—they’re too slow to approve new drugs and devices, they deny access to experimental treatments for terminal patients. The list goes on.
As with any labyrinthine and glacial bureaucracy, the anger and frustration we feel is logical and appropriate. It’s repugnant for government at any level to deny citizens the right to make individual choices which have no direct consequences for anyone other than themselves.
Faith of Fools in Government
by John FarnamI’ll say it again: “Rescue” is a myth! “Protection” is a myth! Someone in government “caring” about you is a myth!
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No Fly, No Buy Secret Lists, a Slippery Slope!
by John FarnamWho is on the “list” is unknown, and the procedure for getting off the “list” is also unknown. There is apparently no appeal process, and no one even knows whom to call...
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TSA’s Union Power Grab: Thousands Slowing Down Airports
by Michelle MalkinAll you travelers stuck in mile-long TSA security lines are pawns. Convenient political pawns...
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The Smart Gun Threat To Individual Freedom & Liberty
by John FarnamSmart guns will never find their way into the hands of bodyguards who protect the very same hypocrites who want to force this gimmickery upon the rest of us...
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RICO for Government Climate Deniers?
by DeltaOperatorManA self-appointed coalition of Democrat state attorneys general is pursuing civil or criminal racketeering actions against groups they claim are committing fraud, by “denying” climate change.
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3 Firearm Truths Everyone Should Know
by Jeff KnoxJeff Knox on government's control laws: 'The experiment has failed'.
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Obamacare’s Tax-Time Torment
by Michelle MalkinIt's always taxpayers who are forced to pay for the incompetence and apathy of their government tormentors.
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‘Rex Non Potest Pecarre’: The King (or Queen) Can Do No Wrong
by Roger KatzAs the designated heir of the Obama dynasty is Hillary Clinton. Instead of a King we apparently are to have a Queen, who appears every bit as imperious as her predecessor...
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TSA: Total Security Abyss
by Michelle MalkinAmerica can rest easy knowing that TSA aggressively tackled my harmless chignon like the Denver Broncos on Super Bowl Sunday.
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Cody School Board Exposed
by DeltaOperatorManWe've heard almost every excuse from Park county school board members about why they didn't advertise their special meeting...
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