Tactical Atlas Firearm Blog

Professional Hunters Driven Down by Regulation, Fees in Australia

Governments can always shut down productive activity more easily than it can be created.  One of the restrictions is that only headshots are allowed while hunting kangaroos.

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Australian Gun Control Means No Self Defense with Firearms

Under New South Wales law, and Australian law generally, firearms may *only* be used for the purpose the license to use them for is issued under.

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Australia | NSW Supreme Court Decision a Disaster for Gun Owners

The decision was a disaster for gun owners. It gave the New South Wales Police everything they asked for. Then, it gave them things they did not ask for.

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Tasmanian Election in Australia Looks Good for Gun Law Reforms

Tasmanian win of the Liberal party in Australia may lead to reforms in Tasmania's gun laws.

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Australia: Queensland’s Labor Party Government Targets MP for Gun Control Heresy

Liberal National Party (LNP) Queensland Legislative Assembly MP Anthony Perrett took a principled stand in favor of his constituents’ gun rights.

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Boston Globe: Gun Confiscation is Needed… and Impossible

The Boston Globe recent ran an article where it acknowledged the obvious: the long term goal of the gun control movement, is to confiscate firearms.

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Caldwell Hunter’s Blind Bag ~ Australian Addendum

Through the good offices of Dr. Jim Clary, I was recently most fortunate to receive a Caldwell Hunter's Blind Bag from him in my mailbox.

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Australian Gun Control Won’t Work in the USA – Part One

The extreme form of gun control pushed onto the Australian electorate after the Port Arthur massacre in 1996 will not "work" in America.

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Australian Gun Culture: End of the 2017 Amnesty 50,000 Guns

The Australian nationwide gun amnesty is over. It lasted three months, was nationwide, and received a lot of attention, domestic and international.

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Skull of WWI soldier headed back to Australian Army

The skull was that of the Australian Army’s Pvt. Thomas Hurdis and still bears a bullet lodged above his left eye socket.

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Australian Gun Culture 27: Tail End Gun Amnesty, 2017

This amnesty is completely different from the mandatory confiscation/turn-in that happened in 1996. In 1996 people were paid to turn in firearms.

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