Tactical Atlas Firearm Blog

Kirsten Joy Weiss creates a work of art with an AR-15 (VIDEO)

As it turns out, Weiss isn’t just an award-winning sharp shot, she’s also an award-winning artist and in her latest video she decided to combine the two.

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Pelosi loses battle to keep pig police painting on display

The painting had been hanging at the U.S. Capitol complex since June but was removed by Calif. Rep. Duncan Hunter before the decision was made to remove it.

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Artist Frank Hagel Celebrates TruckVault’s 20th Anniversary With Painting

To celebrate TruckVault's 20th anniversary, world-renowned Western Artist Frank Hagel started painting a one of a kind composition called "Pheasant Hunter."

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A Look At The Fine Art of Safari Club International 2017 Convention

Here at Safari Club International 2017 Convention in Las Vegas, Nev. there's plenty to do and see all around the gigantic show floor.

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‘Guns in America’ exhibit visits California art studio

Executive director Sasha Irving said they wanted the exhibit to be as inclusive as possible, while acknowledging the controversy and polarity of the topic.

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Guyette & Deeter, 2016 in Review

Our February auction at the Southeastern Wildlife Expo will be held at the Charleston, South Carolina Marriott on February 18, 2017.

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Folks don’t take too kindly to half-nude Hillary statue in NYC (VIDEO)

“This is my workplace. I have to look at this?” said one angry woman who kicked, hit and pounced on the statue until it broke.

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DSC Names Peter Blackwell as Artist of the Year

A tradition since 2002, DSC chooses an outstanding outdoor wildlife artist who exhibits dedication to conservation, outdoor education and hunting as DSC Artist of the Year.

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Gun violence art exhibit is both dangerous and illegal

The exhibit is displayed in an unfinished and abandoned part of a Brooklyn subway and could be shut down by MTA security at any given time.

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Program turns gun buybacks into gun art (VIDEO)

Jonathan Ferrera, who started the program in New Orleans, hopes the exhibit will lead to meaningful conversations about gun violence.

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Gun mural just too much for some college kids to handle

The Southern California sophomore noted that his “black mental and emotional health matters” and he finds the artwork “emotionally triggering.”

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Art piece at Denver city building causes controversy (VIDEO)

Chief Robert White and others voiced concern over how law enforcement were portrayed in the painting, which the student asked to be removed from display.

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