Tactical Atlas Firearm Blog
New York Governor Kathy Hochul Doesn’t Care What Supreme Court Says ~ VIDEOS
by Roger Katz
Not content simply to say New York won’t comply with Bruen, the NY Governor’s response points to open revolt against the U.S. Supreme Court & the Constitution.
“Assault Weapon” Test Case: Will New York Revert To “Interest-Balancing” After Bruen?
by Roger Katz
The New York Government has told the Supreme Court plainly "to go to Hell," & they mean the same for citizens who reside in NY who exercise their RKBA.
Americans Have Every Right to Own So Called ‘Assault Weapons’
by Roger Katz
The right of the people to resist Government is only feasible where the citizenry is armed & armed to the hilt & armed with military weapons.
NY Concealed Handgun Carry Since Bruen: A Step Forward Or A Step Backward?
by Roger Katz
NY Governor Hochul, along with the Democrat-controlled Legislature in Albany, has implemented substantial amendments to the State’s handgun licensing regime that make it HARDER, not easier.
Armed Self-Defense Is Under Attack In The U.S.A.
by Roger Katz
An innocent man, a naturalized citizen from the Dominican Republic, Jose Alba, was arrested for killing a vicious predator, a creature with a lengthy rap sheet...
Remembrance For The Fourth Of July Holiday 2022
by Roger Katz
The Government & the Press make a mockery of our Nation's first Patriots, & all in the name of “wokeness.”
U.S. Supreme Court Is A Protector Of The 2nd Amendment, But For How Long?
by Roger Katz
Reaffirming the 2nd Amendment has thrown some people into a fits of rage, threatening the Court & lives of Justices within it, & threatening the viability & “legitimacy” of the High Court.
Court Rules: Armed Self-Defense Is a Right NOT a Privilege Needing Permission
by Roger Katz
The High Court has thrown down the Gauntlet to the Obstructors & Destructors intent on dismantling our Republic & subjugating our people with government permission slips.
Where Is Our ‘Freedom’ To Be Found If Not In The Armed Citizenry?
by Roger Katz
Unlike the past American Civil War, this present conflict is insidious. It rots the Nation to its core. Americans witness this attack on the exercise of GOD-given rights.
2 Countries In America: Those Who Cherish the RKBA & Those Who Don’t
by Roger Katz
Those who cherish their fundamental right to keep & bear arms also recognize their sovereignty over Government. They understand that government exists to serve the people.
Corruption & Unfairness Plague The NYPD Firearms License Division
by Roger Katz
New York City’s handgun licensing scheme has, in recent years, invited outright criminal corruption in those NYPD officers whose job it is to administer the licensing process.
The Solution To Mass Shootings Is & Always Will Be Armed Citizens
by Roger Katz
The need for school security is routinely ignored by the present Administration and by the Democrat Party & RINO's in Congress..