Tactical Atlas Firearm Blog

Rule Change May Devastate International Travel for Hunters and Shooters

The rule change was buried in a Federal Register notice aimed at authorizing the temporary export of gas masks by government employees and contractors...

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Learning More About Safari Club International

I needed to have to gain a deeper understanding of SCI, what they do globally and how they serve their members. After reading through their website, they mean what they say- First For Hunters.

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Why Hunt Africa Now

Be honest with yourself. Is the backcountry of Africa going to be the most prime location to contract Ebola? How many Kudu are migrating from South Africa to Serria Leone and back?

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For Rhinos, Dallas Safari Club Urges Feds to Review Science Permit Hunt

The U.S. government is deciding whether an American hunter should be allowed to bring home the taxidermy from a tentatively planned black rhino hunt in Namibia...

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USFWS Determines Big Game Hunting NOT A Threat To Lions

The Service is proposing a rule that will establish a permitting mechanism for the importation of sport-hunted lion trophies. Sport-hunting was not found to be a threat to the species at this time...

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Trinity Zoologists Champion a Clever Conservation Solution: ‘Vulture Restaurants’

Food shortages for white-backed vultures, which play a critical role in African ecosystems, mean we will have to serve them their meals to sustain healthy populations...

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Feds to ‘Re-evaluate’ Elephant Policy After Mid-Term Elections

The USFWS will wait to “re-evaluate” a controversial new policy on elephant hunting, but DSC worrys that political gamesmanship in America is already compromising sustainable elephant management in Africa.

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Feds to ‘Re-evaluate’ Elephant Policy After Mid-Term Elections

The USFWS will wait to “re-evaluate” a controversial new policy on elephant hunting, but DSC worrys that political gamesmanship in America is already compromising sustainable elephant management in Africa.

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Thieving Chimps Changing the Way African Farmers Feed Their Families

Rwandan farmers have been forced to grow different crops to reduce losses as they pursue non-violent solutions to the ‘natural tax’ imposed by hungry primates...

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Dallas Safari Club Continues Strategy to Reverse Ban on Elephant Trophies

We believe in using scientific resources and data to prove that this arbitrary and capricious ban is actually hurting elephant conservation, not helping it. We believe the ban should be, reversed as soon as possible...

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GQ Mag, Honest Look At Elephant Hunting In Africa…Result: Hunting Good

If hunting is so disastrous for the long-term survival of the species, why do the countries where it’s legal to hunt elephants have so many more of them than those where the practice is banned???

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Dallas Safari Club Statement on New U.S. Elephant Policy

On April 4 2014, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service announced that African elephants hunted in Tanzania and Zimbabwe in 2014 may not be imported to the U.S...

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