Sweeney, Facebook Petition, & 3/13 NJ’s Gun & Mag Ban Hearing

NJ2AS Twitter Army
NJ2AS Twitter Army

New Jersey –-(Ammoland.com)- Just a few more Tweets for Sweeney’s #AskSenPres as well as some additional comments promoting the Facebook petition.

In case you didn’t know, Facebook and Instagram are bending to Shannon Watts & Moms Demand and not allowing any gun sale posts as well as photos they deem objectionable.

This is just another case of the other side deciding which Constitutional Rights YOU are allowed to exercise, and that’s unacceptable!

Please make sure you go to this petition to Facebook http://chn.ge/OYsZDz and sign it. After you sign that petition, please post these additional Tweets by copying and pasting them into your Twitter accounts. Please post these comments immediately and continue until further notice, or until Facebook stops this tyrannical insanity.

  • #AskSenPres Did @NJSenatePres see Justifiable Need is DEAD in CA? http://bit.ly/1f1ht3P Does he realize NJ is next? #2A #NJ2AS #DrakeCase
  • #AskSenPres When Justifiable Need is illegal in NJ like it now is in CA will @NJSenatePres still harass law abiding gun owners? #2A #NJ2AS
  • All #2A Supporters time to let Facebook know Free Speech includes Guns/Gun Sales/Gun Pix & Kids w/Guns! http://chn.ge/OYsZDz Sign Petition
  • Tell Facebook Free Speech includes speaking about the stuff you don’t like! Sign http://chn.ge/OYsZDz let FB know #2A is not negotiable
  • Its time for Facebook to understand & practice Free Speech. Sign http://chn.ge/OYsZDz let FB know #1A & #2A are not negotiable! #NJ2AS
  • NJ Assembly to hear Mag Limit Bill A2006 on Thursday 3/13 at 2pm in Trenton State House Annex W State St. Room 12 4th floor #2A #NJ2AS

I want to remind all of you that the new date and time for the A2006 (Magazine Limit Bill) hearing is scheduled for Thursday, March 13th at 2 pm in Trenton, NJ. The hearing will be held at the Trenton State House Annex located at 125 W State Street in Hearing Room 12 on the 4th floor.

For directions click here. These directions are correct but ignore the hearing room listed in body. We need as many of you to attend as possible. We know that this will probably pass and that our magazine limits will be decided by Gov Christie, however, Christie will never veto this bill if we do not make an effort to have it voted down.

If we don’t show up in Trenton, and we don’t bother to testify, and we stay home and let them pass it without dissent, you can guarantee that Christie will sign this heinous bill into law. We MUST make an effort to overturn it before it lands on Christie’s desk and that means we need every single NJ2AS member to send emails, make phone calls, send faxes, and most importantly, show up in Trenton on Thursday March 13th to testify or just sit in the hearing room and protest this bill.

Is any member of the NJ2AS Twitter Army willing to be turned into a felon just because you own magazines above 10 rounds?

Are any of you looking forward to throwing out all of your 15 round magazines (with an average cost of $25 per magazine) just because Lou Greenwald says so?

Are NJ2AS members willing to have 43 different .22 caliber rifles confiscated because Weinberg, Sweeney & Greenwald arbitrarily decided to make them illegal and make you a felon? If you’re like me then the answer to each of those questions is not just NO, it’s HELL NO and I’ll be in Trenton next Thursday and I hope to see you there.

Warm regards,

Social Media Coordinator

New Jersey Second Amendment Society – Our mission is to promote the free exercise of Second Amendment rights within the community and Legislature of New Jersey, to educate the community regarding the enjoyable, safe, and responsible use of firearms, and to engender a sense of camaraderie and fellowship among the members and their families. Visit: www.nj2as.com