Survival of the Republic & Sovereign People: Armed Citizenry – Part Three

Survival of the Republic & Sovereign People: Armed Citizenry - Part Three
Survival of the Republic & Sovereign People: Armed Citizenry – Part Three

U.S.A.-( Are The Bilderberg Group And Other Secretive Organizations Interested In Promoting The Continued Existence Of Independent Nation-States? Not Likely!

Major newspapers like the New York Times have attended secretive Bilderberg Group meetings.

For example, David Sanger, National Security Correspondent for The New York Times was a named attendee for the conference scheduled for May 30, 2019, through June 2, 2019, as reported by

Yet curiously, the Times itself does mention—we should add, rightfully so—that Trump Administrative Officials, Mike Pompeo and Jared Kushner, attended that same conference. It is, of course, deeply disconcerting and mystifying to learn of Trump officials’ attendance at a secret Bilderberg conference. But, failing to mention that one of its own people would be attending a Bilderberg Group conference as well, is telling.

The New York Times long associated with attendance at highly secretive Bilderberg conferences never spoke of its attendance at such meetings. Apparently, the Times’ publisher and editors felt that such an item does not fall within the scope of “all the news that’s fit to print.

Still, one must wonder whether Trump is, after all, complicit, as well, in the endeavor of those destructive forces that seek to harm a free Constitutional Republic and a free, sovereign people and have been working tirelessly to accomplish that end for the last several decades; certainly, since the inception of the Bilderberg group in 1954, as pointed out on their home website.

The attendance of Trump officials at last year’s Bilderberg group conference raises an important matter for speculation. Obviously, the seditious NY Times wishes to convey the impression to Trump supporters that Trump cannot be trusted. After all, the NY Times and other seditious newspapers like the Bezos owned Washington Post, and the majority of radio and cable news outlets, have waged an unending, vicious, virulent, reprehensible campaign to destroy the Trump Presidency since the day Trump took the Oath of Office.

But, the fact that the New York Times, in particular—as an important arm of the Radical Left Democrats and of the fabulously wealthy, well-organized, highly secretive, and abjectly ruthless transnational neoliberal Globalists—would convey information to the public of Trump officials’ attendance at a Bilderberg meeting is obviously directed to supporters of Trump as the very expression, “Bilderberg,” is synonymous with deep, abiding contempt for the continued existence of independent nation-states and for the common people who reside in those nation-states.

Trump’s official attendance at a Bilderberg conference does raise serious, unsettling questions. Still, knowing this, we must ask, why did Pompeo and Kushner attend the Bilderberg conference and one year before the election?

Did the Globalist “elites” suspect Trump was likely to win a second term in office and sought to control him by bringing him into their nest, to make him one of them? Was he always aligned with them? Perhaps? Or perhaps Trump is a true outsider and wanted to know what the Bilderberg “elites” were up to, in implementing their plans; consolidating their power over the populations of Europe, the Commonwealth Nations, and the United States. Having Pompeo and Kushner at the meeting Trump would have an opportunity to find out.

These facts can certainly lead all Americans to suspect corruption and villainy of all or virtually all elected and non-elected Government officials. But this isn’t to suggest that Trump, and House and Senate Republicans, shouldn’t receive our support in November. They should because the danger to our free Republic posed by the Democrats is more insistent, more troubling, more aggressive, and more perilous to our fundamental rights and liberties in the immediate short term than is the extension of the Trump Presidency and the retention of a Republican-controlled Senate, in the longer term.

What does all this mean? Americans must hold onto their firearms more tightly and express their objections to mob rule more loudly.

When weighing incipient danger to our sovereignty, a Trump Presidency and a Republican-controlled Senate is infinitely preferable to a Democrat Party controlled Senate and Presidency. As long as Americans can express their ideas freely, and as long as they retain control of their firearms, a free Constitutional Republic, as envisioned by our founders, will endure. Otherwise, it will not.

As one J.D. Candidate poignantly stated in a law review article:

“The abuses of the British monarchy led the founding fathers to adopt the principle that the ultimate power should be vested with the people and not with any government organization. This concept, that the people and not the king or the federal government hold the ultimate sovereignty, is embodied in the Preamble of the Constitution that states, ‘we the people of the United States, in order to form a more perfect Union.’ The sovereignty of the people has important implications for First Amendment jurisprudence because if the channels of free speech are manipulated, so is the sovereignty of the people. A democratic society based on the sovereignty of the people demands the free flow of ideas in order to operate. Anything less is not sovereignty, let alone democracy.” Bankrupting the First Amendment: “Using Tort Litigation to Silence Hate Groups,” 37 Cal. W. L. Rev. 395 (Spring 2001), by Jason Paul Saccuzzo, J.D. Candidate, April 2002, California Western School of Law.

To these points, we would add the critical importance of the Second Amendment. Speech can be easily manipulated and we are seeing the sad results with inclusion of recent Orwellian neologisms like ‘cancel culture; ‘reimagine policing;’ ‘white guilt;’ ‘black victimhood;’ ‘deep equity;’ ‘racial literacy;’ and so forth and so on.

But as for the firearms in one’s possession, those are not intangibles. The firearms themselves cannot be manipulated; they can only be utilized if needed or relinquished if compelled. But, as long they remain in one’s hands, they are a force to be reckoned with.

Recall the quotation from the 1982 cult classic fantasy sword and sorcery epic, “Conan the Barbarian,” starring Arnold Schwartzenneger and James Earl Jones. While the fantasy adventure is ridiculous and innocuous fun, there is a point to be made from it: “the riddle of steel” that, in the remark, has a golden kernel of truth that can be applied with equal efficacy to the modern weapon, the firearm, to keep tyrants at bay.

“Fire and wind come from the sky, from the gods of the sky, but Crom is your god. Crom, and he lives in the earth. Once giants lived in the earth, Conan, and in the darkness of chaos, they fooled Crom, and they took from him the enigma of steel. Crom was angered, and the earth shook, and fire and wind struck down these giants, and they threw their bodies into the waters. But in their rage, the gods forgot the secret of steel and left it on the battlefield, and we who found it, are just men, not gods, not giants, just men. And the secret of steel has always carried with it a mystery. You must learn its riddle, Conan, you must learn its discipline, for no one, no one in this world can you trust, not men, not women, not beasts, [but] this you can trust.” [Conan’s father points to his sword] 1982 classic fantasy sword and sorcery epic, starring Arnold Schwarzenegger and James Earl Jones.

There is a riddle to be learned, as well, in one’s ownership of, possession of, love of, and respect for one’s firearms, the modern sword of today. And there is a riddle about firearms as with the riddle to the weapon of time’s past: the Knight’s sword. Thus, we see recent attempts to manipulate the public’s thoughts pertaining to guns and to one’s ownership of, possession of, and love of them; and one’s respect for them. To force a Nation to its knees, literally as well as symbolically, destroy the ability of a people to resist domination and control. Deny to them their ability to effectively resist; snatch their firearms from them. And destroy even their desire to survive; make them weak in mind and spirit; abjectly defenseless.

In future articles, we delve into the insidiousness of the Radical Left’s unremitting effort to divorce Americans’ from their firearms, and the difficulty in doing so, given an equally indefatigable, unwavering determination of many Americans to resist arms confiscation. In this battle, more so than any other, does an epic clash for the very soul of our Country exist.

The firearm serves us, Americans, today as it served our forefathers in the past, and as, the predecessor, the sword, served the knight and nobleman and king centuries before. It is a Holy Grail that guarantees liberty. One cannot be vanquished, who bears it, unless one voluntarily relinquishes it. This, Holy Grail of liberty, the sword, was the Holy Grail that rulers in feudal Europe denied to the peasants of that day. And the Holy Grail of liberty today, the firearm, the secret overlords of Europe and America would deny to the commonalty, whom they would they make as the peasants of the present day.

Those who seek to destroy this Nation know this full well. Did we not see this in the McCloskey’s stand against rabid creatures who confronted them at their own home, on their own property; threatening to destroy their life and burn down their home, a person’s sacred dwelling. But was not this mindless rabble left only to fume and shout impotently; and forced to take their leave, when confronted with such might and power? And, did not the Soros installed mayor, having recognized that might and power, the firearm, demand the relinquishing of it, the McCloskey’s own Holy Grail, their personal firearms? Clearly the Soros installed mayor, was enraged by the sheer power of that Holy Grail wielded by those whom the ruling class would dare to subjugate but cannot subjugate as long as they are armed.*

No Country can long endure where it rots from the inside out. Our Nation can withstand the onslaught of every loathsome plague that besets it. The most loathsome of all, are those viruses that exist in the body politic itself, and the most difficult to restrain and to vanquish. These odious forces that dare to crush Americans in submission know that to do so, they must, by hook or by crook, get Americans to forsake their firearms, their swords—these items that are bound to our very soul: our Holy Grail. Will we do so? If so, we are undone.

*Epoch Times just reported that Senator Josh Hawley (R-MO) has recently drafted a letter to Attorney General Barr, requesting a DOJ probe of the sinister Attorney General, Kim Gardner, to uncover whether this Soros backed toady had violated the McCloskeys civil rights when she ordered the police to confiscate the McCloskeys’ firearms. 

Arbalest Quarrel

About The Arbalest Quarrel:

Arbalest Group created `The Arbalest Quarrel’ website for a special purpose. That purpose is to educate the American public about recent Federal and State firearms control legislation. No other website, to our knowledge, provides as deep an analysis or as thorough an analysis. Arbalest Group offers this information free.

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