Stop United Nations Gun Control Efforts

Stop United Nations Gun Control Efforts

Virginia Gun Owners Coalition
Virginia Gun Owners Coalition

Virginia –-( Now that President Obama is no longer preoccupied with his anti-gun Obama Care bill, he is free to deliver on his promises to the gun control lobby.

You and I have done everything we can to urge Virginia Governor Bob McDonnell to protect our gun rights on a state level.

After the April 21st Veto Session in Richmond, there is very little that we can do until next year in Virginia.

But right now, President Obama and Secretary of State Hillary Clinton are pushing for passage of the United Nations Treaty on Small Arms.

If Obama and Clinton get their way, Americans could see an international gun control treaty imposing licensing restrictions, bans on most semi-automatic firearms, an end to private sales of guns, and much more.

That is why I hope you will call Senator Jim Webb at 202 224 4024 and urge him to filibuster the U.N. Small Arms Treaty.

And please make as generous a donation as possible at to help me mobilize gun owners all across Virginia.

For Liberty,
Mike McHugh
President, VGOC

Virginia Gun Owners Coalition is Virginia’s only no-compromise, non-partisan gun lobby patterned after Gun Owners of America on Capitol Hill. VGOC is a non-profit tax-exempt organization under 501(c)(4) of the IRS code. Because we lobby politicians to protect and defend the 2nd Amendment, contributions are not tax deductible for IRS purposes. Visit: