Still Shaking Off the Dust?

Indiana 2nd Amendment Patriots, Going On 17 Years
Indiana 2nd Amendment Patriots, Going On 17 Years
Second Amendment Patriots

U.S.A.-( Still shaking off the dust? It’s been a hard ride the last few months and weeks, but the election is behind us. Except for the jack wagons that need some play dough, coloring books and a dog, cat or horse to pet so they can cope with the outcome. These are some of the college kids we’re talking about.

The reactions of some people across the country and around the world are so ridiculous that a person with good writing skills could market an open-ended comic book about the ordeal.

It’s one thing for tender feeling spoiled munchkins to whine like a dry bearing about to go out, but who declared that clustering out in the streets and interstates jamming traffic to a halt constitutes freedom of speech?

The 2nd Amendment Patriots have put together some events in public, such as placing flags on our city’s war memorials downtown on Memorial Day, but we had to apply for a permit from the city to do so and we were not allowed to obstruct traffic, which by the way is illegal. By the way, we didn’t set fires, loot stores or chuck rocks at the police when we did those events. We didn’t even litter.

I’m working on a bill for this session that would address the nonsense of the inconsiderate knot heads stopping traffic so they can exhibit their incivility.

Some things that should concern people about this unmannerliness activity should be what would happen if an emergency vehicle is responding to a call for a heart attack victim or a fire truck on a run to a house fire? What if a parent was in route on the interstate to a hospital with an injured or sick child and can’t make it because some boneheads like to see how insufferable they can be? I think we should expect law enforcement to clear the streets and roads in 15 minutes or less using all necessary means; rubber bullets, water cannons, bean bag shotgun rounds, tear gas and police dogs. I believe that a mayor of a town or city or a sheriff in the county should be responsible to dispatch and support their officers to carry out this duty. Tell me if I’m wrong to expect that. I look forward to hearing from you.

Our last Patriot meeting for this year will be November 26th. At 6 PM. Margie says to bring your favorite holiday dish for the pot luck dinner.

Margie and I want to wish all of you a very Happy Thanksgiving. Recent events give us much to be thankful for and we want to remember to whom we are thanking and to whom the giving has come from… our Heavenly Father. God bless us all.

Indiana State Senator Jim Tomes
Indiana State Senator Jim Tomes (R-49)

About Second Amendment Patriots:

The Second Amendment Patriots are a local group of Indiana citizens dedicated to preserving the rights, freedoms, and civil liberties of every American by educating the American public of the founding and history of this country and its founding fathers by explaining the role, functions and purpose of the U.S. Government; and by teaching the need and importance of an armed American public, in order to allow for a more prosperous and respectful country consisting of American citizens with a pledge of allegiance to their country and who will at the same time, voice their demand to take back the present overwhelming power of the U.S. Government and deliver it into the hands of the people to which it belongs.

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