Standard High Cap Magazines – Dirt Cheap

By Tred Law

Standard High Cap Magazines
Standard High Cap Magazines
AmmoLand Gun News
AmmoLand Gun News

Manasquan, NJ –-( Remember last January when you and every other gun owner in America went on line and paid more than full price for every so called “High Capacity Magazine” in the world? Remember how you waited and waited for that order that never arrived?

Well then now is the time to stock up and avoid the next panic buy when the next call is made to ban your guns standard magazines. And I guarantee it is coming and that gun grabbers, lead by President Obama and Mayor Bloomberg, will have their stink all over the next push to restrict, outlaw or confiscate your high capacity magazines.

Why am I talking about this? Because I opened my morning email and seen that Online retailer Brownell’s is having a sale on AR-15/M16 20 & 30 Round Magazines for just $9.99 each ($9.50 if you buy em bulk) and that seemed to good to be true. (Yeah it is a short time sale , so don’t complain in the comments how the pricing changed… snooze you loose duh)

I saw the same style mags going for $50.00 or more each last winter and that was if you could even find them for sale.

Brownells makes these mag here in the USA and has them pre packaged in 25, 50 or 100 pc paks.

Do I need a 100 high capacity magazines? My answer is shut you mouth, what I do with my money in my own home is my business and if you need to know, YES I do!

When the SHTF who’s house do you think all the woosey, neighbors are gonna go to when the lights go out and they are out of water, fuel, food and never bothered to buy even a BB gun.  Yeah you guest right, me the crazy guy in the neighbor hood, will I share my goods… maybe, will I be prepared for whatever I decide, Hell Yeah.

And you should be too, that is why I am telling you to stock up now and not during the next attempted ban, but I bet you won’t listen.

Brownells AR-15/M-16 Magazine Maintenance Video
Brownells AR-15/M-16 Magazine Maintenance Video