LINCOLN, NE –-( Powderhook, the outdoor helpdesk app, and Sportsmen’s Alliance have announced a partnership that will blaze an outdoor trail for thousands of young people. The app company has teamed up with the Sportsmen’s Alliance to drive awareness of outdoor-related events and give participants a community where they can find more things to do and ask questions about hunting, fishing, trapping and recreational shooting. Ultimately, the partners believe the Powderhook app can aid youth-event participants in their journey toward becoming an active participant on their own.
According to Sportsmen’s Alliance CEO Evan Heusinkveld, bringing new participants into the outdoor lifestyle has always been the goal of the organization’s outreach programming. “Our youth education efforts and the Families Afield program have already done an excellent job introducing people to the outdoors, but there is more that must be done,” said Heusinkveld. “Emerging data tells us our participants need more than a single-day introduction. They need additional opportunities, access and social support. Each of those things are best delivered by a mentor, but not everyone has one, so we’re excited to provide them a sort of ‘mentor in their pocket’ via the Powderhook app.”
Powderhook and Sportsmen’s Alliance will begin execution of the partnership and anticipate quick uptake from attendees, who have been asking for such a tool.
“The Alliance has long been an industry leader in opening the door to new hunters, but it’s time to embrace the digital age when looking to the next generation of hunters,” said Powderhook Founder, Eric Dinger. “We’re proud to be partnering with them to bring hunting recruitment into the 21st Century with the first digital solution.”
The Sportsmen’s Alliance has worked to introduce youth to the outdoors by putting a fishing pole, bow and firearm in the hands of every participant – that’s more than 1.9 million youth and their families since 2001. Families Afield legislation, a national coalition founded by theSportsmen’s Alliance, the National Shooting Sports Foundation and the National Wild Turkey Federation, which is also supported by the National Rifle Association and Congressional Sportsmen’s Foundation, is to lower the barriers that prevent newcomers from trying hunting. The mentored-hunting license model is used in 39 states and has resulted in more than 1.6 million apprentice-license sales.
About Powderhook: Powderhook promises to help people get outdoors more often. The Powderhook app and website are a one-stop place to find local, current information and expertise simply not available anywhere else. Our mission is ‘Access for All,’ which means we’re bringing all the local updates, groups, trips, events, and spots we can into one simple-to-use resource. To get the Powderhook app, visit us at
About the Sportsmen’s Alliance: The Sportsmen’s Alliance is a 501 (c) 4 organization that protects and defends America’s wildlife conservation programs and the pursuits – hunting, fishing and trapping – that generate the money to pay for them. Sportsmen’s AllianceFoundation is a 501 (c) 3 organization that supports the same mission through public education, legal defense and research. Its mission is accomplished through several distinct programs coordinated to provide the most complete defense capability possible. Stay connected to Sportsmen’s Alliance: Online, Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.