Some Anti-Second Amendment Extremists Don’t Hide It Any More

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Some Anti-Second Amendment Extremists Don’t Hide It Any More

United States – -( One thing that has become quite clear lately – anti-Second Amendment extremists no longer are hiding what they want. Some are openly calling for Australia-style gun bans. Others want the Second Amendment repealed. In a lot of cases, Second Amendment supporters are justified in perceiving hatred on the part of anti-Second Amendment extremists. This is both good news and bad news for Second Amendment supporters.

The Bad News

Let’s start with the bad news coming from this. The fact is, anti-Second Amendment extremists now feel comfortable calling for some of the most extreme parts of their agenda. In some ways, the Bruen decision left them with nothing to lose. The opinion pretty much strikes down a lot of their agenda, so why settle for half-measures, especially with the vocal calls from politicians to and left-wing pundits to expand the Supreme Court?

It isn’t just the more blatant attacks and defiance of the Supreme Court. Anti-Second Amendment extremists are looking for other avenues, including litigation – sidestepping the Protection of Lawful Commerce in Arms Act in some cases. The recent hearings over marketing is setting up a new line of attack – one that an anti-Second Amendment attorney general like Letitia James could use to bankrupt firearms manufacturers.

Then, of course, there is the ever-present threat of financial deplatforming and other forms of corporate gun control. Corporations are not bound by the Second Amendment, only the government. Worse, Second Amendment supporters are behind the curve on this front.

All is not lost, but there are going to be some very real challenges that Second Amendment supporters must address – and keep in mind, should the likes of David Hogg get the power they seek, they will not hesitate to blow up things like the filibuster to get what they want.

The Good News

There is good news, though – with anti-Second Amendment extremists calling for gun bans and repealing the Second Amendment, they have staked out extreme positions. In a sense, they have now handed us credibility because we have warned they wanted to take people’s guns for decades.

Their desire to blow up various institutions and guardrails can also be used against them. In some cases, this will require educating Americans about why certain safeguards and institutions were erected in the first place – but that can be done successfully, provided Second Amendment supporters come across as reasonable and respectful of their fellow Americans.

Furthermore, as things stand, their anti-Second Amendment extremism is going nowhere. So, they will be railing for stuff that doesn’t fly. That will force them to take measures that are, if you will, not exactly within the norms of democracy. We can literally turn to elected officials in states to properly handle financial deplatforming.

This shift in tone by anti-Second Amendment extremists will need to be dealt with. Part of it is going to require rhetorical restraint on our part despite what will be provocative statements by our enemies. If this shift is properly addressed, Second Amendment supporters could make huge steps towards consistently defeating anti-Second Amendment extremism via the ballot box at the federal, state, and local levels.

About Harold Hutchison

Writer Harold Hutchison has more than a dozen years of experience covering military affairs, international events, U.S. politics and Second Amendment issues. Harold was consulting senior editor at Soldier of Fortune magazine and is the author of the novel Strike Group Reagan. He has also written for the Daily Caller, National Review, Patriot Post,, and other national websites.

Harold Hutchison