SOF Interviews a Navy SEAL Running for Congress

By Lt. Col. Robert K. Brown, USAR (Ret.)
Editor, Publisher, Soldier of Fortune Magazine

Larry Wilske
Larry Wilske For Congress
Soldier of Fortune Magazine
Soldier of Fortune Magazine

Boulder, CO – -( Former SEAL Larry Wilske is running for a seat in Congress in the 53rd District of California. Larry, as Command Master Chief of SEAL Team Seven, served 30 years as a SEAL

He oversaw hundreds of SEAL missions in Iraq, Afghanistan and the Phillipines. He personally conducted dozens of others.

He is the recipient of the Presidential Unit Citation for extraordinary heroism in action, awarded for a tour of duty in which he served as Operations Chief of a task force deployed to the ‘stan after 9/11.

For further info on Larry, check out and He deserves your support! Go get ’em Larry!

SOF: What prompted you to become a SEAL?

I was originally recruited to the Navy to be on the All Navy Wrestling Team. In my second season I met a BUD/s washout and everything he said about the program sounded excit- ing; I tried out and bingo… I found a new home.

SOF: How many rounds of rifle and pistol ammo did you fire during your introduction to small arms?

We shot thousands of rounds in BUD/s.

SOF: Describe your basic training with small arms.

A very pragmatic and safety-oriented approach. Nothing “Hol- lywood” and everything with a sight picture. It’s all about effectiveness, both in effective fire and suppressive fire.

SOF: What different types of weapons did you use?

In BUD/s our primary was an M-16 with a Beretta side-arm. I was an M-60 gunner in BUD/s, so I carried the sexy beast and 800 rounds.

SOF: Once you received your Trident, how many rounds would you fire a month in training?

Some months only a few; however, during the land warfare block of training each of us shot tens of thousands of rounds. I’ve gone through a dozen M-60 barrels in training and shot out a number of M-4’s. I had one platoon where our primary was an MP-5 (SDV, all operations originated from the water), and we (10 SEALs) shot more rounds in six months than the Israel Army did in a year.

SOF: Did your time on the range significantly increase before deployment?

No, we found a solid rhythm and kept with it.

SOF: While deployed, did you carry your sidearm “locked and loaded?”

There are only two “conditions” for any weapon: locked up in a box, empty; and loaded and ready to kill someone. Anything else is a “dead man’s gun.

SOF: What rifle and optic did you prefer and why?

I’m a reflex and ACOG fan. I subscribe to shooting with both eyes open at all times and those (type) of sights accommodate that instinctive fire approach.

SOF: What sidearm (you said you were carrying a SIG in the photo you sent) did you prefer and why?

SIG was the issued side-arm and they’re exceptionally reliable.

SOF: What is your response to the anti-gunners who are trying to take advantage of the recent Eliot Rogers shooting spree?

I’m not sure if any of his weapons left on a counter could have shot anyone; however, imagine if any one of those victims had been armed with minimal training… how

SOF: What prompted you to run for Congress?

The short answer is SEALs are problem solvers and Congress has some problems. With the lowest approval rating in history, it’s no surprise that Congress has the least amount of combat veterans since before WWII. The way I see it, when a problem presents itself there are two things to do— get close to the problem and offer solutions, or shut the hell up!

SOF: What do you hope to achieve?

Bringing clear representation of the Constitution in order to get Congress out of all the political nonsense and back into the job it’s designed to do. Congress is not a parent, church, social worker, social engineer or health care

SOF: What will you do to support the 2nd Amendment when you are elected?

As I see it, the 2nd Amendment is my personal gun permit, and it’s time we enforce the 10th Amendment as a protective measure to stop states from undermining that right; you see the pendulum swings both ways.

SOF: Have you considered running for the NRA Board of Directors?

I have not; however, it would be an honor for any veteran.


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SOLDIER OF FORTUNE focuses on news and adventure based on firsthand reports from all over the world. Our commitment to presenting the facts in their entirety sets us apart from mainstream news sources. Our editorial policy is pro-military, pro-strong U.S. defense, pro-police, and pro-veteran. We strongly support the right of the individual to keep and bear arms. By opposing tyranny of all kinds, we support the basic freedom of mankind. Visit: Click to Subscribe to Soldier of Fortune Magazine ( Subscribe on Amazon )