Smith Wesson M&P Shield Plus 9mm Handgun /w 3 Extra Mags $380.99 FREE S&H REBATE

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Smith Wesson M&P Shield Plus 9mm Handgun sale deal discount

USA – -( Bereli has a sale on S&W Handguns that, combined with a rebate, you can pick up the Smith Wesson M&P Shield Plus 9mm Handgun and three extra magazines (a $120.00+ value) for $380.99. All that with FREE shipping.

Smith Wesson M&P Shield Plus 9mm Handgun

The MP Shield Plus features is extremely thin and lightweight which can be comfortably carried all day. It features the MPs patented takedown lever and sear deactivation systems all for disassembly without pulling the trigger. Its flat face trigger is for consistent trigger finger placement which allows for more accurate and repeatable shooting. Enhanced grip texture allows the user to manage recoil keep a firm grip and delivers comfort when concealing. The Shield Plus also features an optimal 18degree grip angle for natural point of aim and Armornite durable corrosion resistant finish.

Smith Wesson M&P Shield Plus 9mm Handgun /w 3 Extra Mags $380.99 FREE S&H REBATE

More info on the Smith and Wesson Summer 2023 Freedom Days Rebate Promotion.

Smith and Wesson Summer 2023 Freedom Days Rebate Promotion
Smith and Wesson Summer 2023 Freedom Days Rebate Promotion
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